Flow graph issue with usrp1+RFX2400 daughter board and TX/RX antenna

Hi folks, I’ve recently bumped into an issue with two GRC flow graphs
while running a rx/tx loop path interfacing with an external sensor :

T**X path - UHD Usrp1 Sink (sending data to the sensor)


RX path - UHD Usrp1 Source (receiving data from the sensor)


I’m using a USRP1 mainboard and a RFX2400 daughter board using the TX/RX
section. I can run the TX flow graph, but when i launch the other one,
the shell warns me about an UHD error. The uhd driver can’t find the
usrp1 card (specifically, the uhd source object can’t be built because
the uhd driver is not able find the usrp device), it’s like the tx path
had an exclusive possession of the A:0 subdevice (the TX/RX one on
which I put my antenna).

Do I have to pass some command line switches to the uhd driver to solve
this issue ? Thanks in advance.

Kind Regards, Arturo

On 06/21/2013 07:25 PM, Arturo R. wrote:

The device can only be opened once per process. Either run both flow
graphs in the same process, or combine both flowgraphs into one
