I’m sure this has been mentioned on the group before, but…here’s my
fixtures wish-list
- per “test” fixtures
- within the fixtures be able to run some arbitrary Ruby code (like a
function at the bottom of the yaml code that is run after loading up the
fixtures–that would be nice).
- “cross-linking” among fixtures ala
id: 3
user: User(:bob)
ahh that would be so nice.
Any thots?
For #1: You could try the Fixture Sets plugin, although I haven’t needed
this personally. One set is enough to worry about, but to each his own:
For #2: Fixtures are evaluated with ERB. Just put some ruby between <%
and it will execute.
For #3: Try the Fixture References plugin:
Also if you want to dump your existing database tables to yaml fixtures,
the AR Fixtures plugin -
Scott B.
Electro Interactive, Inc.
Office: 813-333-5508