Fixing ruby on Mac OS X Tiger

Hey all, I’d greatly appreciate it if someone could help me with this
I’m running the latest Tiger update on a MacBook, and am trying to fix
my ruby installation. I’ve installed ruby gems and the fixrbconfig gem,
but when i run it I get this error:

/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/powerpc-darwin8.0/ruby.h does not exist. This
probably means you haven’t yet installed Xcode from the Tiger DVD. You
won’t be able to compile Ruby extensions without it. Please install it
then rerun this program.

That is because I have a universal-darwin8.0 directory. I’ve tried the
linking fix
here:Small Room Software || Tom Riley,
but it didn’t work, i still get the same error.

Any help is appreciated.

On Aug 19, 2006, at 9:20 AM, Krazy Man wrote:

won’t be able to compile Ruby extensions without it. Please install it
then rerun this program.

That is because I have a universal-darwin8.0 directory. I’ve tried the
linking fix
here:Small Room Software || Tom Riley
but it didn’t work, i still get the same error.

The easy way is just to go to: and download the latest stable or stable
snapshot version of Ruby. Build and install it by cding into the ruby
directory and then doing:

make test
sudo make install

Finally make 3 text files in your home folder that will be invisible
in the Finder. One will be named .bash_profile and it will contain
the line:
source .bashrc
The second file will be named .bashrc and will contain:
export CLICOLOR=1
export RI=‘-T -f ansi’


(do not remove this comment)

echo $PATH | grep -q -s “/usr/local/bin”
if [ $? -eq 1 ] ; then
export PATH

Finally, make a file called .inputrc containing
set completion-ignore-case On

It’s a good idea to end each of these text files with a carriage
return. Some of the above has nothing to do with Ruby per say but it
does have to do with making unix tools usable on HFS+. Other things
are more complex than they need to be just for OS X but I find that I
can carry these files around with me and they work on other unixish