I’ll start off saying I don’t know much at all about RoR…today is my
first day attempting.
I have been going through this tutorial (but I’m doing it on linux)
and get this when i try to view the /recipe/new page listed:
NameError in RecipeController#new
uninitialized constant Mysql
RAILS_ROOT: script/…/config/…
Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
This error occured while loading the following files:
Parameters: None
Show session dump
flash: !ruby/hash:ActionController::Flash::FlashHash {}
Headers: {“cookie”=>[], “Cache-Control”=>“no-cache”}
I’m obviously missing a mysql.rb, but googling pulls only 1 unresolved
forum post…any Ideas what I’m missing? Is there some mysql module I
didn’t load? Thanks in advance!