Hi there, this is my first program in any programming language, and
I’m not quite sure how to help myself learn yet, so here is my mal-
formed code:
sum = 0
print "Type the number to add up until: "
for value in 1…#{$_}
sum = sum + value
puts sum
The error says that Ruby needs to chomp a string, but in just the
previous example in the book, chomp was used on a number. What
(presumably) simple fix will take care of this?
[email protected] wrote:
sum = sum + value
puts sum
The error says that Ruby needs to chomp a string,
Type the number to add up until: 2
try2.rb:7:in `+’: nil can’t be coerced into Fixnum (TypeError)
It says nothing about a string or chomping.
but in just the
previous example in the book, chomp was used on a number. What
(presumably) simple fix will take care of this?
Change a line to:
for value in 1…$_.to_i
Here’s how I would write it:
sum = 0
print "Type the number to add up until: "
top = gets.strip.to_i
(1 … top).each{|value|
sum += value
p sum