First bit of hacked-together code, and not sure where I've gone wrong

Hi there, this is my first program in any programming language, and
I’m not quite sure how to help myself learn yet, so here is my mal-
formed code:

sum = 0
print "Type the number to add up until: "

for value in 1…#{$_}
sum = sum + value
puts sum

The error says that Ruby needs to chomp a string, but in just the
previous example in the book, chomp was used on a number. What
(presumably) simple fix will take care of this?

[email protected] wrote:

sum = sum + value
puts sum

The error says that Ruby needs to chomp a string,


Type the number to add up until: 2
try2.rb:7:in `+’: nil can’t be coerced into Fixnum (TypeError)

It says nothing about a string or chomping.

                                              but in just the

previous example in the book, chomp was used on a number. What
(presumably) simple fix will take care of this?

Change a line to:

for value in 1…$_.to_i

Here’s how I would write it:

sum = 0
print "Type the number to add up until: "
top = gets.strip.to_i

(1 … top).each{|value|
sum += value

p sum