Dear Friends,
I m pleased to present Firedraw , World’s First And
Only Ajax based in-browser visual modeling tool. Currently it has
options for drawing Flow Diagrams. Soon we will be incorporating UML
and ERD drawing capabilities.
This is our second Beta Test release dated 16 Jan 08, first Beta Test
release was deployed on 2 Jan 08. Since then, we have incorporated
many suggestions being put by many kind friends at this talk. I hope
of getting many more suggestions and assure of incorporating them at
the earliest.
Your’s Truly,
Deepak Kapoor
Ignited Minds
Might I suggest that you continue discussions about your pre-release
product on a mailing list of your own? This separation will cut down
on irrelevant traffic on this list and foster better discussion around
your product.
I’m sure we would welcome a product announcement when FireDraw is
finished and ready for production use, but until then this chatter is
just creating more traffic in people’s inboxes.