Firedraw: Sample Flow Diagram

Dear Friends,
Kindly view a sample “File Share” flow diagram drawn using Firedraw at
follwoing llink

This link is extracted from File share email sent by Firedraw.
Following is the original email. Also, a lot of useful options are
available in form of right click menus like opening file, body fill
color of objects, lines, page size etc.
Original file share email:

Deepak Kapoor has invited you to view 2Jan07-Beta Deployment

Deepak Kapoor wrote:
As we discussed, kindly find attached a sample of drawn from our tool.
Best Regards.

You can quickly view this file by clicking on following link:
2Jan07-Beta Deployment

If that does not work, try copying and pasting following link in your
browser address bar:

As we are working on further, soon you would be able to see all such
invitations added to your Firedraw! workspace.
You could edit such invitations depending on restrictions imposed by
owner of document.

Thanking You,

Team Firedraw
World’s first Ajax based in-browser modelling tool.