I used newgem to create my ‘sparehand’ gem. The rakefile now depends
on Hoe, but it also looks like newgem creates a Rakefile such that hoe
can’t be a dependency.
I tried adding ‘hoe’ as a dependency with no luck.
Think someone could offer a little advice? It would make me really
happy to see ‘Passed’ next to my gem
Hi Mat,
Hoe automatically injects itself as a dependency.
In the ‘newgem’ case it doesn’t. Thanks, Harold, for that blog entry.
That summed it all up. newgem inserts a couple of lines in the
Rakefile that avoid the hoe dependency, but it still requires hoe
without a rescue block, which causes problems if you don’t have hoe
and try to test the package.
The solutions I found for firebrigade testing were twofold.
Add a test/test_all.rb file that includes all the *_test.rb files.
This allows ‘testrb test’ to actually run the test cases.
Put a begin…rescue LoadError…end block around the hoe portions of
the rake file. and include a test task that runs test_all.rb in the
rescue block.
Based off of tinderbox_gem_build, I think this will work. We’ll see
in a little while when firebrigade proper lights up my gem.
Thanks for the help folks. I oughta start a professional blog so I
can blog about this stuff