A highlevel approach: (short but not really inefficient)
x = [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 4, 4]
a = x.each_with_index.group_by(&:first).inject({}) do |result, (val,
next result if group.length == 1
result.merge val => group.map {|pair| pair[1]}
p a
A more efficient lowlevel solution would be to iterate over the array,
compare the values and save the indices in case of duplicates.
A more efficient lowlevel solution would be to iterate over the array,
compare the values and save the indices in case of duplicates.
… like this:
x = [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 4, 4]
duplicates = {}
x.each_with_index do |value, i|
(i + 1).upto x.length - 1 do |j|
if x[j] == value
duplicates[value] = [i] if duplicates[value].nil?
duplicates[value] << j
I do a lot of indexing of data. Usually they’re multi-field records, and
each data set will have multiple indexes. The technique I use is below.
This indexes all elements of the array. So, then to find duplicates, you
have to loop again to find array counts > 1. Anyway, it’s a slightly
different way to do it in the event an index of all entries would be
useful for lookups.
data = [1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 4]
dataIndex = {}
data.each_with_index do |value, indx|
index_key = value
index_value = indx
if !dataIndex.has_key?(index_key)
dataIndex.store(index_key, [])
p dataIndex
dataIndex.each do |key, indxs|
if indxs.count > 1
# do something
puts “#{key} appears at #{indxs.join(’, ')}”
I do a lot of indexing of data. Usually they’re multi-field records, and
each data set will have multiple indexes. The technique I use is below.
This indexes all elements of the array. So, then to find duplicates, you
have to loop again to find array counts > 1. Anyway, it’s a slightly
different way to do it in the event an index of all entries would be
useful for lookups.
DOH. That first loop only needed to be:
data.each_with_index do |value, indx|
if !dataIndex.has_key?(key)
dataIndex.store(key, [])
That’s what I get for doing a quick transcribe of project code.
Don’t use reduce/inject for non-reductive applications. Use something
more appropriate, like a plain each.
Also use Hash to its full capabilities:
hash = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = [] }
then it is as clean as:
array.each_with_index do |val, idx|
hash[val] << idx
Notice how you’re not constantly re-assigning hash for no good reason in
my version? That adds up, but more importantly it obfuscates the
original intent.
news from the service department. Here’s the shootout:
Turns out quickest is one of the less arcane solutions:
dups = {}
dat.each_with_index do |val, idx|
(dups[val] ||= []) << idx
dups.delete_if {|k,v| v.size == 1}
A few remarks:
It’s amazing how many forms even the same algorithm can take in Ruby.
Just the different options for adding to a Hash (#default_proc, #fetch, ||=) can make a huge visual difference although the underlying
strategy of all these algorithms is the same.
Downside of Jan’s first approach is that it has effort O(n**2) in
terms of elements in the array because of the nested iteration. Sam’s
approach has a similar quality although less obvious (it’s in the #count).
Allocating multiple Hash instances is what makes Jan’s second approach
As always, #inject (or #reduce) approaches are slower than others.
The best strategy is to create a Hash with elements as keys and Arrays
of indexes as values. This approach won’t suffer for large inputs
from the O(n**2) issue.
For one off scripts and infrequent execution it doesn’t really matter
Kind regards
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