Please help me to solve this problem with an example. Thanks in advance.
Find anagrams of words e.g. rinse, reins, siren, resin are all anagrams
one of another.
use this file of words (you can use any words)
We will create a signature for a word by spltting it into an array of
letters, sorting that array, and joining the letters back into a string.
So the rinse examples all have signature ‘einrs’
My suggested order of operations is:
define a method signature, which returns a signature string.
Hints: chomp, String.split(’’), Array.join, Array.sort
Test the method on the rinse examples.
Create a hash, whose key is to be the signature and whose value is an
array of the strings with that signature.
Hint anagrams = Hash.new{ |hash, key| hash[key] = Array.new}
Test that this works on a short example
For each word in the file, create its signature, and append the word to
the array that is the value associated with signature.
Hint: anagrams[signature], <<
Report the value arrays containing 4 or more words.
Hint: Hash.each_value