Part of my application should show a list of all users on the system who
agreed to have their details revealed. So, I have an action like this:
def view_users @users = User.find(:all,:conditions=>“reveal = 1”,:order=>“login
In the associated view, @users is an object of nilclass and the app.
breaks as it tries to iterate over the @users array. However, if I
include this at the top of view_users.rhtml
I ran into a problem with my shiny new RESTful controller.
One of it’s partial templates is using a custom member action’s
url helper created by map.resources, e.g. “something_model_url(id)”.
This works perfectly when I try it in my webbrowser, but my functional
test fails when it gets to “display” the mentioned partial, telling
Exception: undefined method “something_model_url” for #<#<Class…>
On line #22 of (…)
Obviously the helper does not get defined. I already know that the
routing is not being processed in functional tests due to performance
reasons, but there must be a way to still access my partials?! So
I guess I am searching for the magic “bring me some url-helpers” trigger
in my functional tests. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
I still can’t figure out what the problem could be. It seems it’s
only the singular_url helpers that are missing, the plural_url helpers
do not lead to test failure. Did really no one else run into something
like this?
Christoph O. schrieb:
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