Find_usrps only succeed when an sniffer is ON

I installed GNU Radio on a ThinkPad Lenovo T4410 under Ubuntu 10.04.
After connecting the USRP2 with the original Ettus code on the SD card D
F LEDs are ok and when executed:

~$ sudo find_usrps
No USRP2 found.

I run wireshark or tcpdump to see what happens in my network and I got:

~$ sudo find_usrps
00:50:c2:85:35:a2 hw_rev = 0x0400

If I stop the sniffer, I get again:

~$ sudo find_usrps
No USRP2 found.

My problem is that ‘find_usrps’ only works when a sniffer is running.
can it be explained?


On 09/07/2010 04:43 AM, Jorge M. wrote:

00:50:c2:85:35:a2 hw_rev = 0x0400

When a sniffer is running, the ethernet interface is placed into
“promiscuous” mode in which all ethernet frames are processed and passed
up to higher layers in the networking stack. In non-promiscuous
mode, only frames that are addressed to the particular hosts ethernet
address, and the broadcast address, are forwarded up the stack.

My understanding is that find_usrps sends out a broadcast packet, and
the responding USRP2 replies using a broadcast packet, but even
in non-promiscuous mode, the hosts interface should pass the broadcast
traffic “upwards”. I wonder if there’s some interaction with
firewall rules at play here as well?

Marcus L.
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium


Thanks for your answer. My interface is completely ‘up’ after both
commands (promisc up and -promisc). But host computer and USRP2 can
only communicate when my network is in promiscuous mode.

I connect both, host computer and USRP2 through a direct connection
with a 1 Gb ethernet wire (no switches)

I only have one Ethernet interface in my host computer (eth0) and
permissions con /usr/bin/usrp2_socket_opener
are set to 4775.

I still cannot figure out what the problem is.


00:50:c2:85:35:a2 hw_rev = 0x0400

If I stop the sniffer, I get again:

~$ sudo find_usrps
No USRP2 found.

My problem is that ‘find_usrps’ only works when a sniffer is running.
How can it be explained?
