Find N210 device problem


My laptop, Lenovo T60 can’t find a N210 device using uhd_find_devices

The error message is

No UHD Devices Found

Warning :
Ignoring discovered device
no control response
No UHD Devices Found

Firmware and FPGA image are successfully loaded and the desktop can
detect the N210 without problem.

thank you

On 02/19/2011 12:32 PM, MIN SOO KANG wrote:

Ignoring discovered device
no control response
No UHD Devices Found

The second response is not expected… but I think this is a case of the

Does the following command yield a discovered device?

uhd_find_devices --args=“addr=”

Firmware and FPGA image are successfully loaded and the desktop can detect the
N210 without problem.

Good to hear.
