Find 'joins'

I am very frustrated with :joins in a find.

@debts = Debtortranstaxes.find(:all,
:conditions => [“trandate > ? and trandate <= ?”, @per1, @per2],
:joins => ‘LEFT JOIN debtortrans ON’,
:order => ‘trandate, transno’)
=> [#<Debtortranstaxes debtortransid: 67, taxauthid: 26, taxamount:
0.63>, #<Debtortranstaxes debtortransid: 67, taxauthid: 34, taxamount:
0.2>, #<Debtortranstaxes debtortransid: 68, taxauthid: 24, taxamount:
3.15>, #<Debtortranstaxes debtortransid: 68, taxauthid: 32, taxamount:
0.825>, #<Debtortranstaxes debtortransid: 69, taxauthid: 24, taxamount:
756.0>, #<Debtortranstaxes debtortransid: 69, taxauthid: 32, taxamount:

but this does not contain the columns from debtortrans table…even if I
specifically name them with a :select =>

in the console, I can get the value

but inside a loop, the value is not available to me…

for debt in @debts
if debt.trandate = …

it simply tosses an undefined method error

How do I get all of the fields returned from joined tables in query?


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On Jul 29, 11:37 am, Craig W. [email protected] wrote:

0.825>, #<Debtortranstaxes debtortransid: 69, taxauthid: 24, taxamount:
756.0>, #<Debtortranstaxes debtortransid: 69, taxauthid: 32, taxamount:

but this does not contain the columns from debtortrans table…even if I
specifically name them with a :select =>

The console is tricking you. if you name them they will be there,
they’re just not displayed.
