I’m needing to cull 900 files from about 3500 files in 100 different
I have an array with the 900 files ie. [“2100_01”, “2102_05”, “2105_04”,
The files in question are named like so…“2100_01.aif”
Based on the array, I need to match/find these files from within the
100 directories and copy/move each one into a new single directory.
Can you help point me to the correct structure to accomplish this task.
Many Thanks
You could use a glob (file pattern) to do this:
For example, if you are looking for every file with the name “x.txt” in
the directories “C:/a/” and “C:/b/”, you can write
This returns an array of the files found.
If you also want to include subdirectories, write
You can then move the file with FileUtils.move (you’ll have to include
the fileutils library first).
As an example code:
require ‘fileutils’
search_dirs = [‘C:/a/’, ‘C:/b/’]
search_files = [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’]
target_dir = ‘C:/z/’
todo: escape special characters like “{” and “}”
search_pattern = “{#{search_dirs.join ‘,’}}/**/”
search_files.each do |filename|
found = Dir[“#{search_pattern}/#{filename}.txt”]
case found.length
when 1
FileUtils.move found.first, target_dir
when 0
puts “File #{filename}.txt not found”
puts “File #{filename}.txt found more than once, didn’t move”
Chas C. wrote in post #1051998:
I’m needing to cull 900 files from about 3500 files in 100 different
I have an array with the 900 files ie. [“2100_01”, “2102_05”, “2105_04”,
That would be an array of fileNAMES.
The files in question are named like so…“2100_01.aif”
Based on the array, I need to match/find these files from within the
100 directories and copy/move each one into a new single directory.
Pathname has quite a few nice tools for this. Something along these
lines should work:
require ‘set’
require ‘pathname’
array = … # as described
source = … # source directory path
target = … # target directory path
index = array.to_set # more efficient lookup
tgt = Pathname(target)
abort “Not a directory: #{tgt}” unless tgt.directory?
Pathname(source).find do |f|
f.file? and index.include? f.basename(’.aif’) and
f.rename(tgt + f.basename)
Kind regards
Perfect! Thanks you guys!