Is there any ActiveRecord’s dynamic finder that can allow me to find
first association or create it if it doesn’t exist. Something like this
(not this code is conceptual - it does not work!):
Is there any ActiveRecord’s dynamic finder that can allow me to find
first association or create it if it doesn’t exist. Something like this
(not this code is conceptual - it does not work!):
Milan D. wrote:
Is there any ActiveRecord’s dynamic finder that can allow me to find
first association or create it if it doesn’t exist. Something like this
(not this code is conceptual - it does not work!):Comment.posts.find_or_create(:first)
I meant:
Post.comments.find_or_create(:first) lol
On 13 March 2010 16:14, Milan D. [email protected] wrote:
If it doesn’t find a comment, and creates a new one, what values is it
going to populate the record with?
Or is it that you want a new blank record for some purpose?
Either that or perhaps to be able to use the find_or_initialize
In this case I have before create hooks in place to fill in some
On 13 March 2010 19:20, Milan D. [email protected] wrote:
In this case I have before create hooks in place to fill in some
If you trim the whole of the email you’re replying too, we lose all
sense of context…
Anyway… a simple solution is to have a method add a new comment if
the comments array is empty, and then send the call that you pass to
the array (so you can use any Array method as a parameter). More
complex solutions would be to patch AR::Base or maybe Array to do a
similar thing.
def find_or_create_comment(which)
Post.comments << Comment.create if Post.comments.blank?
Post.comments.send(which.to_s) if
That’s off the top of my head so it is probably buggy, but might put
you on the tail of something that suits - it relies on the “create”
method actually working, so if the Comment fails validation, it will
break big time.
I think better solutions might be suggested if you describe the
problem that you have that you want to use this as a solution to…
On Mar 13, 2010, at 11:16 AM, Milan D. wrote:
Post.comments.find_or_create(:first) lol
Well, this is strictly off the top of my head, but could you:
@post = Post.find(…somehow…)
Comment.find_or_create_by_post_id(:post_id =>
If that doesn’t do what you want, post more code that shows what you
want and what you’ve tries that is giving you a different result.
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