Hi, if my test not find the element i want it to continue and output
that it was not found. But below code fails, i want my test to output ’
Did not find element with id: gbgfba’. Thanks for your help in advance!
(element id should be gbqfba but have entered gbqfbax so it should fail)
require ‘selenium-webdriver’
class Find_element
def initialize @driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox @driver.get “http://google.com”
def by_id #By ID - driver.find_element(:id,)
if @driver.find_element(:id, “gbqfbax”)
puts ‘Did find element with Id: gbqfba’
puts ‘Did not find element with Id: gbqfba’
The best workaround I’ve seen for this was to use findelements to return
an array and check whether the size is 0.
Of course, you could always use Watir-Webdriver which is more versatile
and uses the same underlying driver with a better API.
Thanks for your reply. According to array you mean something like below?
But it output that the method not find the element but it should. Any
def by_id_array
by_id = []
by_id << @driver.find_element(:id, “gbqfba”)
if by_id.empty?
puts ‘Did find element with Id: gbqfba’
puts ‘Did not find element with id gbqfba’
Thanks for your answer Joel. I really want to solve this with Selenium
Webdriver even if watir is better. (cannot give up now :))
Your array tips dosent work when the element not exists or i maybe I do
something wrong? Expected output below would be “No”, but the test fails
and will not complete the run. It complains about the row array = @driver.find_element(:id, “gbqfqX”)
def by_id_array
array = []
array = @driver.find_element(:id, “gbqfqX”)
puts ‘No’ if array.size == 0
array = @driver.find_elements(:id, “gbqfba”)
puts ‘Did not find element’ if array.size = 0
As for whether the element exists to be found you’ll need to ensure that
it’s actually the ID you need to identify it. I recommend using Firebug
as it will give you the names, IDs, even the full XPath of any element.
Use the Interactive Ruby console (IRB) to test out what works in
For example, this is what I’d do in watir-webdriver:
On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 11:51 AM, Mattias A. [email protected]
Your array tips dosent work when the element not exists or i maybe I do
something wrong? Expected output below would be “No”, but the test fails
and will not complete the run. It complains about the row array = @driver.find_element(:id, “gbqfqX”)
Specifying exactly what that “complaint” is would help people help
you, but …
def by_id_array
array = []
array = @driver.find_element(:id, “gbqfqX”)
puts ‘No’ if array.size == 0
It helps to pay attention to what’s actually returned by the method
you’re calling. Try using this:
def by_id
begin @driver.find_element(:id, ‘gbqfbax’)
rescue => err
puts ‘Did not find element with Id: gbqfba’
puts “because of #{err} (#{err.class})”
Thanks for your answer Joel. I really want to solve this with Selenium
Webdriver even if watir is better. (cannot give up now :))
Your array tips dosent work when the element not exists or i maybe I do
something wrong? Expected output below would be “No”, but the test fails
and will not complete the run. It complains about the row array = @driver.find_element(:id, “gbqfqX”)
Be more specific (provide the error message).
def by_id_array
array = []
The previous line is useless, because `array’ is redefined
in the following line:
array = @driver.find_element(:id, "gbqfqX")
puts 'No' if array.size == 0
You need to read Joel’s answers more carefully, he suggested
array = @driver.find_elements(:id, “gbqfba”)
(mind the plural).
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