Find_by_contents fails with :include option

find_by_contents will fail if you specify :include in the find_options
parameter. The problem is on line 313:

313: conditions = [ “id in (?)”, id_array ]
314: # combine our conditions with those given by user, if any
315: if find_options[:conditions]
316: cust_opts = find_options[:conditions].dup
317: conditions.first << " and " << cust_opts.shift
318: conditions.concat(cust_opts)
319: end
320: result = self.find(:all,
321: find_options.merge(:conditions => conditions))

Since the id field will be present in two separate tables, it will be
ambiguous and throw an exception, e.g.

Question Load Including Associations (0.000000) Mysql::Error: Column
‘id’ in where clause is ambiguous: SELECT AS t0_r0, … AS t1_r0, … FROM foos LEFT OUTER JOIN bars ON bars.foo_id = WHERE (id in (1))

REBUILD YOUR INDEX! One of the id’s didn’t have an associated record: 1

Error should probably log a better message too…

Quick way to fix it:

313: conditions = [ “#{table_name}.#{connection.quote_column_name(‘id’)}
in (?)”, id_array ]

I don’t know if it’s the perfect fix, but it works for me.


On Thu, Aug 17, 2006 at 10:07:29PM +0200, Aaron P. wrote:

find_by_contents will fail if you specify :include in the find_options
parameter. The problem is on line 313:

this problem has already been fixed in trunk.


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