lets say i have model with :name string field, how to write a “find
:all, :condition => ???” to find records that :name fields includes
certain string…
IRB funcionality example, hope that makes it more clear
irb > str = “112369”
=> “112369”
irb > str.include? “112”
=> true
irb > str.include? “11”
=> true
irb > str.include? “99”
=> false
On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 12:23 PM, Marcin S [email protected] wrote:
=> true
irb > str.include? “11”
=> true
irb > str.include? “99”
=> false
Presuming you wanted to filter on the condition in the database,
Active Record Query Interface — Ruby on Rails Guides
section 2.1 , 2.2 …
Short answer
match_string = “112”
MyModel.where(“name LIKE ‘%?%’”, match_string)
But this is quite flawed for performance on the database …
Read-up on “full text search” to understand those issues.
If you wanted to filter in Ruby, which would only make
sense for “small” amounts of records (< 100 ?), you
could do:
match_string = “112”
matcher = Regexp.new(match_string)
MyModel.all.select{|o| o.name =~ matcher}
Read-up on Regular expressions and Enumerable
functionality for this.