Rails 3.1.3
I have tables
User => has_many :contribution
Contribution => belongs_to :user
in user.rb, I would like to define a method to compute the total
(sum of field ‘price:integer’ )
def total_contribution
@contributions = Contribution.find_all_by_user(self)
total = 0
@contributions.each do |c|
if c.done
total += c.price
return total
“Contribution.find_all_by(self)” gives an error
undefined method `find_all_by’ for
Is there any better way?
Thanks for your answer. but it gives a different error
SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: contributions.user_id: SELECT
“contributions”.* FROM “contributions” WHERE “contributions”.“user_id”
= 3
Maybe the association is not properly set up?
On 30 April 2012 09:24, Soichi I. [email protected] wrote:
Please don’t top post, it makes it difficult to follow the thread.
Insert your reply at appropriate point(s) in previous message. Thanks
Thanks for your answer. but it gives a different error
SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: contributions.user_id: SELECT
“contributions”.* FROM “contributions” WHERE “contributions”.“user_id”
= 3
Maybe the association is not properly set up?
Is there a column user_id in the contributions table? You should have
added one for the the belongs_to association.
I think it would be worth your while working right through some
tutorials on Rails in order better to understand the basics of Rails.
railstutorial.org is good and free to use online.
On 30 April 2012 09:03, Soichi I. [email protected] wrote:
Rails 3.1.3
I have tables
User => has_many :contribution
That should be :contributions, plural.
Contribution => belongs_to :user
in user.rb, I would like to define a method to compute the total
(sum of field ‘price:integer’ )
def total_contribution
@contributions = Contribution.find_all_by_user(self)
Just use
@contributions = self.contributions
Please don’t top post, it makes it difficult to follow the thread.
Insert your reply at appropriate point(s) in previous message.
Sorry about that. I will be careful.
Is there a column user_id in the contributions table? You should have
added one for the the belongs_to association.
I was thinking of id of User table (created by Devise) rather than the
‘user_id’ which are supposed to be attached to ‘Contribution’ table.
Stupid misunderstanding of mine 
tutorials on Rails in order better to understand the basics of Rails.
railstutorial.org is good and free to use online.
Thanks for the info.