I have recently been working on a simple list action and view that
will allow a user to filter the objects that are selected by changing
a category value in a control.
In this case, the resources being listed are restaurants. The view
also contains a list of all restaurant categories, which defaults to a
selection of “All Categories”, that will allow them to filter the
restaurants displayed by category.
I have a working implementation, however, it feels like a bit of a
hack. In the view, I am using the form_for and collection_select
helpers, because they handle auto-selecting the appropriate value and
don’t require me to assemble an options hash. The part that feels like
a hack to me is that in order to get the auto-selection to work, I am
creating a Category model object in the controller, and assigning the
id value that was submitted through the form as the object’s “id”
property. Also, I have to explicitly set the “name” property in the
htmlOptions hash, so that the field gets submitted as
params[:category_id] rather than params[:category_id].
I am new to Rails, and I wanted to see if anyone felt there was a
cleaner way for me to implement this functionality. Anyhow, here’s the
code. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated:
#** Controller **#
def index
(@category = Category.new()).id = params[:category_id]
if ([email protected]?)
@restaurants = Restaurant.find_all_by_category_id(@category.id)
@restaurants = Restaurant.find(:all)
respond_to do |format|
format.html { @categories = Category.find(:all) } #
format.xml { render :xml => @restaurants }
#** View (index.rhtml) **#
<% form_for( :category, :html => {:method => :get}) do |f| %>
{:include_blank => ‘All Categories’},
{:onchange => ‘this.form.submit();’, :name =>
<% end %>
Lastly, I was wondering if it would it make more sense to move the
category selection form to a partial, rather than embed it directly in
index.rhtml with these rest of the code (which is not shown above)?
Thanks for the help,
Justin H.