I’m having some records with a start- and end-date:
- start= 01/03/2007 end 05/05/2007
- start= 01/04/2007 end 20/06/2007
- start= 15/07/2007 end 01/08/2007
How can I query the records that lie in a specific month?
I need for example all records that occur in the month may (05).
So if a record starts on 01/03/2007 and ends on 05/05/2007 => it lies in
the month may
But the 2nd record also lies in the month may! It starts on 01/04/07 and
ends on 20/06/07
The third record doesn’t occur in the month may
Any help would be welcome :). It looks simple, but it’s driving me nuts