
How to switch receiving Filterbank from Gnuradio in USRP B200. I plan to
add this Filterbank and switch it using onboard pin connector.


This is a filterbank (analog) of your own design?

You’ll want to use the GPIO interface:

The B2xx GPIO API is the same as X3xx, and the example code:

gpio.cpp in the source tree

Can be modified to use the B2xx GPIO facilities.

Now, I’m not certain how one accesses that from Gnu Radio, since not all
of the UHD API is fully exposed in gr-uhd. Perhaps Martin has a comment
on this.

On 2015-08-07 01:09, Jakub Jebbjeb wrote:

How to switch receiving Filterbank from Gnuradio in USRP B200. I plan to add
this Filterbank and switch it using onboard pin connector.


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