Fill gaps in Array of Hashes

I have the following object as a result from MySQL:

[{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“2”, :total=>“5”, :date=>“2009-12-01”,
:negative=>“3”}, {:positive=>“3”, :neutral=>“3”, :total=>“7”,
:date=>“2009-12-08”, :negative=>“1”}, {:positive=>“1”, :neutral=>“1”,
:total=>“3”, :date=>“2009-12-09”, :negative=>“1”}]

I want to fill gaps (for example from 2009-11-19 till 2010-10-01) with
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>“HEREDATE”,
:negative=>“1” - how i can do this in ruby? In MySQL it’s impossible to
do :-(.

Joao S. wrote:

I have the following object as a result from MySQL:

[{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“2”, :total=>“5”, :date=>“2009-12-01”,
:negative=>“3”}, {:positive=>“3”, :neutral=>“3”, :total=>“7”,
:date=>“2009-12-08”, :negative=>“1”}, {:positive=>“1”, :neutral=>“1”,
:total=>“3”, :date=>“2009-12-09”, :negative=>“1”}]

I want to fill gaps (for example from 2009-11-19 till 2010-10-01) with
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>“HEREDATE”,
:negative=>“1” - how i can do this in ruby? In MySQL it’s impossible to
do :-(.

Well, the dumb, brute-force way to do it would be something like this, I

Assuming your array is called ‘array’

require ‘rubygems’
require ‘activesupport’ # What? I’m lazy. to_date is damn handy.

(“2009-11-19”.to_date…“2010-10-01”.to_date).each do |date|
exists = array.find { |x| x[:date] == date.to_s }
next if exists # If the date is found in the array, next date please.
array << { :positive => “0”, :neutral => “0”, :total => “0”, :date =>
:negative => “1” }

Do you understand this code?

Yep, i understand, but it returns wrong value (and not sorted by date

("2009-11-11".to_date.."2010-01-01".to_date).each do |date|
  exists = result.find { |x| x[:date] == date.to_s }
  next if exists
  result << { :positive => "0", :neutral => "0", :total => "0", 

:date => date, :negative => “0” }

return result

=> [{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“2”, :total=>“5”, :date=>“2009-12-01”,
:negative=>“3”}, {:positive=>“3”, :neutral=>“3”, :total=>“7”,
:date=>“2009-12-08”, :negative=>“1”}, {:positive=>“1”, :neutral=>“1”,
:total=>“3”, :date=>“2009-12-09”, :negative=>“1”}, {:positive=>“0”,
:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Wed, 11 Nov 2009, :negative=>“0”},
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Thu, 12 Nov 2009,
:negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”,
:date=>Fri, 13 Nov 2009, :negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”,
:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Sat, 14 Nov 2009, :negative=>“0”},
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Sun, 15 Nov 2009,
:negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”,
:date=>Mon, 16 Nov 2009, :negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”,
:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Tue, 17 Nov 2009, :negative=>“0”},
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Wed, 18 Nov 2009,
:negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”,
:date=>Thu, 19 Nov 2009, :negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”,
:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Fri, 20 Nov 2009, :negative=>“0”},
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Sat, 21 Nov 2009,
:negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”,
:date=>Sun, 22 Nov 2009, :negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”,
:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Mon, 23 Nov 2009, :negative=>“0”},
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Tue, 24 Nov 2009,
:negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”,
:date=>Wed, 25 Nov 2009, :negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”,
:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Thu, 26 Nov 2009, :negative=>“0”},
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Fri, 27 Nov 2009,
:negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”,
:date=>Sat, 28 Nov 2009, :negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”,
:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Sun, 29 Nov 2009, :negative=>“0”},
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Mon, 30 Nov 2009,
:negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”,
:date=>Tue, 01 Dec 2009, :negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”,
:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Wed, 02 Dec 2009, :negative=>“0”},
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Thu, 03 Dec 2009,
:negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”,
:date=>Fri, 04 Dec 2009, :negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”,
:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Sat, 05 Dec 2009, :negative=>“0”},
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Sun, 06 Dec 2009,
:negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”,
:date=>Mon, 07 Dec 2009, :negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”,
:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Tue, 08 Dec 2009, :negative=>“0”},
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Wed, 09 Dec 2009,
:negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”,
:date=>Thu, 10 Dec 2009, :negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”,
:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Fri, 11 Dec 2009, :negative=>“0”},
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Sat, 12 Dec 2009,
:negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”,
:date=>Sun, 13 Dec 2009, :negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”,
:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Mon, 14 Dec 2009, :negative=>“0”},
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Tue, 15 Dec 2009,
:negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”,
:date=>Wed, 16 Dec 2009, :negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”,
:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Thu, 17 Dec 2009, :negative=>“0”},
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Fri, 18 Dec 2009,
:negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”,
:date=>Sat, 19 Dec 2009, :negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”,
:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Sun, 20 Dec 2009, :negative=>“0”},
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Mon, 21 Dec 2009,
:negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”,
:date=>Tue, 22 Dec 2009, :negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”,
:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Wed, 23 Dec 2009, :negative=>“0”},
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Thu, 24 Dec 2009,
:negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”,
:date=>Fri, 25 Dec 2009, :negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”,
:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Sat, 26 Dec 2009, :negative=>“0”},
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Sun, 27 Dec 2009,
:negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”,
:date=>Mon, 28 Dec 2009, :negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”,
:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Tue, 29 Dec 2009, :negative=>“0”},
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Wed, 30 Dec 2009,
:negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”,
:date=>Thu, 31 Dec 2009, :negative=>“0”}, {:positive=>“0”,
:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>Fri, 01 Jan 2010, :negative=>“0”}]

Joao S. wrote:

Yep, i understand, but it returns wrong value (and not sorted by date

Try this then.

(“2009-11-11”.to_date…“2010-01-01”.to_date).each do |date|
exists = result.find { |x| x[:date] == date.to_s }
next if exists
result << { :positive => “0”, :neutral => “0”, :total => “0”,
:date => date.to_s, :negative => “0” }
array.sort! { |a, b| a[:date].to_date <=> b[:date].to_date }

Just a teeny tiny little “to_s”.
And sorting an array is a simple matter of looking up the sort method in
the rdoc (which IS your best friend).

Joao S. wrote:

I have the following object as a result from MySQL:

[{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“2”, :total=>“5”, :date=>“2009-12-01”,
:negative=>“3”}, {:positive=>“3”, :neutral=>“3”, :total=>“7”,
:date=>“2009-12-08”, :negative=>“1”}, {:positive=>“1”, :neutral=>“1”,
:total=>“3”, :date=>“2009-12-09”, :negative=>“1”}]

I want to fill gaps (for example from 2009-11-19 till 2010-10-01) with
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>“HEREDATE”,
:negative=>“1” - how i can do this in ruby? In MySQL it’s impossible to
do :-(.

Alright… Now that I’ve helped you do what you asked for, please tell
us what you actually want to do, because actually filling up a hash with
default data is really not optimal.

2009/12/10 Aldric G. [email protected]:

:negative=>“1” - how i can do this in ruby? In MySQL it’s impossible to
exists = array.find { |x| x[:date] == date.to_s }
next if exists # If the date is found in the array, next date please.
array << { :positive => “0”, :neutral => “0”, :total => “0”, :date =>
:negative => “1” }

Here’s a different approach - not with dates though.

just an example

def next_val(x)
x + 2

with_gaps = { rand(40) * 2 }

puts “before”
p with_gaps

with_gaps.sort.each_cons 2 do |a,b|
next if a == b
x = a

while (x = next_val(x)) != b
with_gaps << x

puts “after”
p with_gaps.sort

automated check

with_gaps.sort.each_cons 2 do |a,b|
raise(“Wrong distance %s” % [a,b].inspect) unless a == b ||
next_val(a) == b



Joao S. wrote:

Aldric G. wrote:

Joao S. wrote:

I have the following object as a result from MySQL:

[{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“2”, :total=>“5”, :date=>“2009-12-01”,
:negative=>“3”}, {:positive=>“3”, :neutral=>“3”, :total=>“7”,
:date=>“2009-12-08”, :negative=>“1”}, {:positive=>“1”, :neutral=>“1”,
:total=>“3”, :date=>“2009-12-09”, :negative=>“1”}]

I want to fill gaps (for example from 2009-11-19 till 2010-10-01) with
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>“HEREDATE”,
:negative=>“1” - how i can do this in ruby? In MySQL it’s impossible to
do :-(.

Alright… Now that I’ve helped you do what you asked for, please tell
us what you actually want to do, because actually filling up a hash with
default data is really not optimal.

I don’t have choice: I need data formed like this to generate report
(chart) data. And i need for each day approporiate values.

You could check whether the data is in the array, and return the default
that you want if it’s not in there.

Pseudo code:

From date1 to date2, do |date|
data = array.find { |x| x[:date] == date }
if data.nil?
data = { your default hash }


Why do you have an array of hashes, anyway?
Why not a hash with the dates as keys and the rest of the hash as
values? a hash of hashes.

Aldric G. wrote:

Joao S. wrote:

I have the following object as a result from MySQL:

[{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“2”, :total=>“5”, :date=>“2009-12-01”,
:negative=>“3”}, {:positive=>“3”, :neutral=>“3”, :total=>“7”,
:date=>“2009-12-08”, :negative=>“1”}, {:positive=>“1”, :neutral=>“1”,
:total=>“3”, :date=>“2009-12-09”, :negative=>“1”}]

I want to fill gaps (for example from 2009-11-19 till 2010-10-01) with
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>“HEREDATE”,
:negative=>“1” - how i can do this in ruby? In MySQL it’s impossible to
do :-(.

Alright… Now that I’ve helped you do what you asked for, please tell
us what you actually want to do, because actually filling up a hash with
default data is really not optimal.

I don’t have choice: I need data formed like this to generate report
(chart) data. And i need for each day approporiate values.

On Dec 10, 1:56 pm, Aldric G. [email protected] wrote:

I want to fill gaps (for example from 2009-11-19 till 2010-10-01) with


Why do you have an array of hashes, anyway?
Why not a hash with the dates as keys and the rest of the hash as
values? a hash of hashes.

Posted via

Maybe this is what the O.P. wants:

Aldric G.'s neat solution, modified slightly

require ‘rubygems’
require ‘activesupport’ # What? I’m lazy. to_date is damn handy.

array = [
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“2”, :total=>“5”, :date=>“2009-12-01”,

{:positive=>“3”, :neutral=>“3”, :total=>“7”, :date=>“2009-12-09”,

{:positive=>“1”, :neutral=>“1”, :total=>“3”, :date=>“2009-12-05”,
default =
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>“HEREDATE”,
range = (“2009-12-01”.to_date … “2009.12.11”.to_date)

range.each { |date|
next if array.find { |row| row[:date].to_date == date.to_date }
array << default =
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>“#
{date.to_s}”, :negative=>“1”}

array.sort { |r1, r2| r1[:date] <=> r2[:date]}.each { |row| puts

======= Result =======
{:neutral=>“2”, :total=>“5”, :date=>“2009-12-01”, :negative=>“3”,
{:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>“2009-12-02”, :negative=>“1”,
{:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>“2009-12-03”, :negative=>“1”,
{:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>“2009-12-04”, :negative=>“1”,
{:neutral=>“1”, :total=>“3”, :date=>“2009-12-05”, :negative=>“1”,
{:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>“2009-12-06”, :negative=>“1”,
{:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>“2009-12-07”, :negative=>“1”,
{:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>“2009-12-08”, :negative=>“1”,
{:neutral=>“3”, :total=>“7”, :date=>“2009-12-09”, :negative=>“1”,
{:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>“2009-12-10”, :negative=>“1”,
{:neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>“2009-12-11”, :negative=>“1”,


This is a little cleaner. with the same result:

Aldric G.'s neat solution, modified slightly

require ‘rubygems’
require ‘activesupport’ # What? I’m lazy. to_date is damn handy.

array = [
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“2”, :total=>“5”, :date=>“2009-12-01”,

{:positive=>“3”, :neutral=>“3”, :total=>“7”, :date=>“2009-12-09”,

{:positive=>“1”, :neutral=>“1”, :total=>“3”, :date=>“2009-12-05”,
range = (“2009-12-01”.to_date … “2009.12.11”.to_date)

range.each { |date|
next if array.find { |row| row[:date] == date.to_s}
array <<
{:positive=>“0”, :neutral=>“0”, :total=>“0”, :date=>date.to_s,

sorted = array.sort { |r1, r2| r1[:date] <=> r2[:date] }
sorted.each { |row| puts row.inspect}
