I’m making a site where I’ll host a few songs and texts I do. I
to use RoR, instead of plain HTML, mostly because of the layouts and
views. It’s much nicer to write the menu HTML only once instead of
repeat it across several HTML files. I don’t need to tell you that, of
course :).
My first idea was to just write all the views and, whenever I wanted
add a new song or text, I’d just copy it to the right directory and
a change to the view. Then I realised that I could do better. There
two other layers for me to use. I could write the view just once and
would list all the available songs and texts. All I’d need to do was
add a new song to the persistence layer; no need to change the view
the time.
Well, there’s one more thought that I need to tell you before I
ask my question. I’d really like to have the whole site (content,
etc) in a git repository. That way I can easily work on it anywhere I
go. Even better, I’d gain a backup for my site everywhere I cloned it.
Ok, now, I don’t think git plays well with a sqlite database and, even
more of a downer, managing (opening, editing, deleting) stuff stored
sqlite is a pain. Certainly not as easy as copying a file to a
directory. So, we get to my question: is there a adapter for active
record that would allow me to add content to the file system instead
a relational database?