File Upload

Anyone know the best way with ROR to let a users select a local file and
upload to the server in a specific directory?


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Jim Waba wrote:

Anyone know the best way with ROR to let a users select a local file and
upload to the server in a specific directory?


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Hi Jim,

U just do search in google by upload and u will get good example by sean
which also have upload progress bar with it.

Best Luck

Pratiksha G. [email protected]

Jim Waba wrote:

Anyone know the best way with ROR to let a users select a local file and
upload to the server in a specific directory?

U just do search in google by upload and u will get good example by sean
which also have upload progress bar with it.

use acts_as_attachable. It is better maintained,and has cleaner code.

Surendra S. is

use acts_as_attachable. It is better maintained,and has cleaner code.

Dont judge those who try and fail, judge those who fail to try…