File Type Extensions Missing in Uploaded Files

I’m using paperclip version 2.5.0 to upload text-like documents (word,
text, pdf). While uploads do take place there are two show-stopping

  1. Regardless of which file type is used (doc, txt, pdf) the resultant
    uploaded file ALWAYS ends with a “.” (dot).

  2. The “path” property returns the path and filename WITHOUT the dot, so
    the file can not be accessed.

I’ve pasted the model that contains the attachment code at:

Does anyone know what could be wrong? Thanks.


On 7 feb, 16:12, Ari K. [email protected] wrote:

I’ve pasted the model that contains the attachment code

Does anyone know what could be wrong? Thanks.


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I was checking the project page GitHub - thoughtbot/paperclip: Easy file attachment management for ActiveRecord
and it says paperclip is failing… maybe that’s the reason

I think you should debug the normalize_file_name method and check the
extension variable

Ahmy Y.