File source

I’m writing a “filter” script using Gnu Radio, which takes a file input,
and produces a file output. What
happens to the flow-graph when it has finished with the input file?
Does the flowgraph stop, does it read zeros,
what happens? Ideally, I’d like it to simply exit.

Marcus L.
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

On 4 July 2010 23:13, Marcus D. Leech [email protected] wrote:

I’m writing a “filter” script using Gnu Radio, which takes a file input,
and produces a file output. What
happens to the flow-graph when it has finished with the input file?
Does the flowgraph stop, does it read zeros,
what happens? Ideally, I’d like it to simply exit.

Hi Marcus,

I have only used the file source and sink in GRC. The file source has
a boolean parameter called “Repeat”, which by default is set to “Yes”.
I have set it to “No” and the script stops when it reaches end of
file. After that I can exit the script normally.


On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 5:42 PM, Alexandru C. [email protected]

a boolean parameter called “Repeat”, which by default is set to “Yes”.
I have set it to “No” and the script stops when it reaches end of
file. After that I can exit the script normally.


Yes, when the file source has the repeat flag set to False, when it
reaches the end of the file, it will return 0, which will stop the
flow graph.
