Hi all,
I’m happy to announce the first release of file-find. This package is
meant as a replacement for the current ‘find’ module in the Ruby
standard library. It provides many more options for controlling the
behavior of your find operations.
It is modelled on the ‘find’ command typically found on Unix systems.
Look for all .rb files changed in the last 24 hours
rule = File::Find.new(:name => “*.rb”, :ctime => 0)
rule.find{ |file| puts file }
Look for all text files owned by user id 23, don’t follow symlinks
rule = File::Find.new(:name => “*.txt”, :user => 23, :follow => false)
rule.find{ |file| puts file }
You can find install the file-find package as a gem, or grab the file
from the project page at http://rubyforge.org/projects/shards/. You
can also find it on the RAA.