File column within link_to

I correctly see:
image_tag url_for_file_column(“element”, “picture_url”, “medium”)
now I need to make it a link so I’ve used:
<%= link_to(image_tag url_for_file_column(“element”, “picture_url”,
“medium”), {:controller => “products”, :action => “sec_level”,
:level_id =>}) unless @element.picture_url.nil? %>
but what I get is a link to the action that has rendered the current

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good men to do nothing”
Edmund Burke

it works fine, there’s just a bracket typo:
<%= link_to(image_tag(url_for_file_column(“element”, “picture_url”,
“medium”)), {:controller => “products”, :action => “sec_level”,
:level_id =>}) unless @element.picture_url.nil? -%>
instead of:

<%= link_to(image_tag(url_for_file_column(“element”, “picture_url”,
“medium”))), {:controller => “products”, :action => “sec_level”, :level_id =>} unless @element.picture_url.nil? -%>

thank you Dave :slight_smile:

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good men to do nothing”
Edmund Burke

On Friday 10 Feb 2006 08:27, Enrico T. wrote:

now I need to make it a link so I’ve used:
<%= link_to(image_tag url_for_file_column(“element”, “picture_url”,
“medium”), {:controller => “products”, :action => “sec_level”,
:level_id =>}) unless @element.picture_url.nil? %>
but what I get is a link to the action that has rendered the current

Untested, but try:

<%= link_to(image_tag(url_for_file_column(“element”, “picture_url”,
“medium”))), {:controller => “products”, :action => “sec_level”,
:level_id =>} unless @element.picture_url.nil? -%>

I think you just had your brackets in a twist - you should have had one
after “medium” although I’ve added two since I put one between image_tag
url_for_file_column too.

Hope that works!


Dave S.
Rent-A-Monkey Website Development

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