I am reading the Programming Ruby book by Dave T. (2nd edition)
and he mentions a trick when you want to use irb to try example code
and directs you how to load “code/rdoc/fib_example.rb”. I just
downloaded the latest version of Ruby and I can’t find any such file.
I also can’t find a code folder or is “code” as used in that line a
programming directive?
On 2/10/07, Rae [email protected] wrote:
I am reading the Programming Ruby book by Dave T. (2nd edition)
and he mentions a trick when you want to use irb to try example code
and directs you how to load “code/rdoc/fib_example.rb”. I just
downloaded the latest version of Ruby and I can’t find any such file.
I also can’t find a code folder or is “code” as used in that line a
programming directive?
Not 100% sure, so I apologize in advance if I’m wrong. (It happens quite
frequently, as a matter of fact.) In any case, the ‘code’ for the book
I’m not sure if they’re referring to that or not, but just in case,
there it
“Beware when the great God lets loose a thinker on this planet. Then all
things are at risk.”
–Ralph Waldo Emerson