Ferret Wierdness


I have installed the ferret gem (on WIN XP). My search and result view
is working, but it comes back with empty results all the time. It seems
like ferret is building the index (there is 3 binary files in the index

If I add the line:
acts_as_ferret :fields => [‘title’,‘description’,‘price’,‘website_url’]

to my advert model I get the following error:
undefined method `acts_as_ferret’ for Advert:Class

Please help,


Hi David,

have you installed the acts_as_ferret plugin as well as the ferret gem?

acts_as_ferret is a convenience library that includes ferret in your
application. You’ll find installation instructions on the acts_as_ferret
trac: http://projects.jkraemer.net/acts_as_ferret/


I’m having the same problem as well. I’m using Ruby/Rails on Windows XP.
I first installed ferret per the installation instructions. It didn’t
give me any errors or issues. I installed the acts_as_ferret plugin per
the instructions. It didn’t report any errors. However, when I go to my
vendor\plugins folder, it’s not there. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!

BTW, I have tried installing the stable version, and the “bleeding edge”
version and none of them have installed. During the installation, I get
no error messages or messages of any kind, but when I go to the
vendor\plugins directory, there is still nothing there besides my other

On Sun, Aug 20, 2006 at 06:40:02AM +0200, Tamim wrote:

BTW, I have tried installing the stable version, and the “bleeding edge”
version and none of them have installed. During the installation, I get
no error messages or messages of any kind, but when I go to the
vendor\plugins directory, there is still nothing there besides my other

you could try to export the plugin code with a standard svn
client from these repository urls:


or for the trunk:

then move the acts_as_ferret directory to vendor/plugins/

Or, if your project is svn hosted, too, you can use svn externals:

svn propset svn:externals ‘acts_as_ferret

from your RAILS_ROOT.


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