Ferret returning too many results

Hi, I just upgraded from acts_as_ferret 0.2/Ferret 0.9.x to
acts_as_ferret 0.3/ferret .10.9, and i’m getting a strange behavior:

searches are returning far too many results, most of them superflous.
i’ll paste in my code below, it’s pretty simple. i’m googling like mad,
and going through both the source and the forums, and having trouble
finding what could be causing this. any help greatly apreciated.

relevant code from our rails app:

search_array hold an array of the model we want to search

search_array.each do |asset|
a = Object.const_get(asset)
assets << (a.find_id_by_contents q, :limit => num_docs, :offset =>
return assets

answering myself here, but i “fixed” the problem by reverting to 0.10.1.

would still love to know what was causing the problem with 0.10.9. i get
weird errors when trying to use the AAf ‘id_multi_search’ or
‘multi_search’ methods, too, with either 0.10.1 or 0.10.9, fwiw. am
including acts_as_ferret like so:

acts_as_ferret :fields => [ :name, :description, :condition ],
:store_class_name => true

ferret and aaf are the bomb, though, generally. thanks for them both.

On Tue, Oct 10, 2006 at 10:58:38PM +0200, John wrote:

search_array hold an array of the model we want to search

search_array.each do |asset|
a = Object.const_get(asset)
assets << (a.find_id_by_contents q, :limit => num_docs, :offset =>
return assets

hm, we’ll need some more information to help you out. What do your
models look like, i.e. do you use single table inheritance or other
‘special’ things ?

providing some real data, a query, and the results your search returned
would really help, too.


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