[Feedback] Array#sample(n, replace=false)

Issue #3647 has been updated by mame (Yusuke E.).

Description updated
Status changed from Open to Feedback
Assignee set to mrkn (Kenta M.)

mrkn さん、

matz の「本当に必要なの」というのに返事と、キーワードの名前の候補出しをお願いします。

Yusuke E. [email protected]

Feature #3647: Array#sample(n, replace=false)

Author: mrkn (Kenta M.)
Status: Feedback
Priority: Normal
Assignee: mrkn (Kenta M.)
Category: core
Target version: 2.0.0

Array#sample does not support sampling with replacement directly, so we
must write codes like the following to obtain samples with replacement.

samples_with_replacement = n.times.map { source.sample }

If Array#sample has the argument for switching with/without
replacement, we can write it as follow.

samples_with_replacement = source.sample(n, true)

The patch was attached. Please consider to merge.