Feed tools compatible with latest rails version 2.32

does nayone know if the latest feed tools is compatible with the latest
version of rails

Ive just installed feed tools, and tryed out some sample code to check
it works/

i have got two errors

first error after booting the server is

Could not find RubyGem rspec (>= 1.1.11)

second time after refresh is

no such file to load – feed_tools

Nick H. wrote:

does nayone know if the latest feed tools is compatible with the latest
version of rails

Ive just installed feed tools, and tryed out some sample code to check
it works/

i have got two errors

first error after booting the server is

Could not find RubyGem rspec (>= 1.1.11)

second time after refresh is

no such file to load – feed_tools

Also tried this with simple-rss and get the same no such file to load?

Any ideas?

On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 4:25 PM, Nick H. <
[email protected]> wrote:

first error after booting the server is

Could not find RubyGem rspec (>= 1.1.11)

second time after refresh is

no such file to load – feed_tools

What version of RSpec do you have installed and configured to work with
Rails application?
