Feature Request proxy_pass_interface

For one of my clients I require the ability to choose the outgoing
for proxy_pass, is it possible?

Also how does nginx currently choose which interface to use on a system


Also how does nginx currently choose which interface to use on a system
with mutliple?

You can use “proxy_bind” directive for that (nginx-0.8.22+).

Best regards,
Piotr S. < [email protected] >

Thanks, Its not in the documentation:

guess, its too new.

I got a feature request, variable support for proxy_bind.

[emerg] invalid address “$server_addr” :frowning:


Thanks, Its not in the documentation:
Module ngx_http_proxy_module

guess, its too new.

Wiki isn’t official, it’s community-contributed documentation.
There is no official documentation in English.

Feel free to add “proxy_bind” to the wiki.

Best regards,
Piotr S. < [email protected] >

Thanks, hoping it will get pushed to trunk. Come on Igor, its a must for
people running nginx as a foward proxy over multiple IPs


On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 09:37:04PM +1100, SplitIce wrote:

I got a feature request, variable support for proxy_bind.

[emerg] invalid address “$server_addr” :frowning:


Maxim D.