Where can i find a guide to use the fckeditor gem with a ruby on rails
On 3 jan, 18:07, “rabarama” [email protected] wrote:
Where can i find a guide to use the fckeditor gem with a ruby on rails
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On 3 jan, 18:07, “rabarama” [email protected] wrote:
Where can i find a guide to use the fckeditor gem with a ruby on rails
thanks, but it seems to be quite old.
I’ve seen the scott rutherford plugin but i can’t make it work (i’m
newby with ruby on rails) and i’v seen that ther’s also a gem
but i can’t find any documentation.
I followed instruction found here
but it doesn’t work:
the first instruction
ruby script/plugin install
does nothing.
Ishrat rahman Sami wrote:
I followed instruction found here
but it doesn’t work:the first instruction
ruby script/plugin install
svn://rubyforge.org//var/svn/fckeditorp/trunk/fckeditordoes nothing.
I followed this instruction.
It downloadec some files in …/vendor/plugin/fckeditor directory in my
application and then it showed“Exported revision 54
Plugin not found:
[“svn://rubyforge.org//var/svn/fckeditorp/trunk/fckeditor”]”Any idea — what’s happening?
Within the /vendor/plugin/fckeditor directory there is a README file
with further instructions on how to finish the installation.
To summarize,
After running the plug-in script installation you need to run rake.
rake fckeditor:install
Then add
<%= javascript_include_tag :fckeditor %>
to the layout.
There are instructions in the readme for various types of usage.
I followed instruction found here
but it doesn’t work:the first instruction
ruby script/plugin install
svn://rubyforge.org//var/svn/fckeditorp/trunk/fckeditordoes nothing.
I followed this instruction.
It downloadec some files in …/vendor/plugin/fckeditor directory in my
application and then it showed
“Exported revision 54
Plugin not found:
Any idea — what’s happening?
Paul Devisser wrote:
“Exported revision 54
Plugin not found:
[“svn://rubyforge.org//var/svn/fckeditorp/trunk/fckeditor”]”Any idea — what’s happening?
Oh, as for the error about plugin not found. I ignored that. Everything
seems to be working (although I haven’t tested the image upload just