I have just finished integrating MenTaLguY’s fastthread mutex
implementation into the ruby_1_8 branch.
The original, pure ruby version of lib/thread is still available as a
configure option `–disable-fastthread’ so you can alternate the two.
If you find any compatibility problems or unexpected behavior with the
new implementation, please let me know.
As I tend to be out of sync with ruby-talk, make sure to add
ruby-core@ruby-lang to To/Cc on reply.
/__ __ Akinori.org / MUSHA.org
/ ) ) ) ) / FreeBSD.org / Ruby-lang.org
Akinori MUSHA aka / (_ / ( (__( @ iDaemons.org / and.or.jp
“Different eyes see different things,
Different hearts beat on different strings –
But there are times for you and me when all such things agree”
On Sun, 2007-02-11 at 07:00 +0900, Akinori MUSHA wrote:
If you find any compatibility problems or unexpected behavior with the
new implementation, please let me know.
The version of fastthread which was merged doesn’t handle interrupted
waits correctly, which can result in an rb_bug().
Please see Ruby bug #8663:
A patch to fix the issue is attached (also posted to the bug tracker).
At Thu, 15 Feb 2007 07:31:27 +0900,
MenTaLguY wrote:
A patch to fix the issue is attached (also posted to the bug tracker).
Thanks, just committed the patch.
/__ __ Akinori.org / MUSHA.org
/ ) ) ) ) / FreeBSD.org / Ruby-lang.org
Akinori MUSHA aka / (_ / ( (__( @ iDaemons.org / and.or.jp
“Different eyes see different things,
Different hearts beat on different strings –
But there are times for you and me when all such things agree”
On Thu, 2007-02-15 at 11:57 +0900, Akinori MUSHA wrote:
A patch to fix the issue is attached (also posted to the bug tracker).
Thanks, just committed the patch.
Thank you very much,