Fastest HTTP client (for persisten connections)

Ok, there are so many HTTP client gems!

Premise: I need to have support for persistent connection too.

For many time I used rest_client, realizing now is one of more slow :frowning:

Many people use HTTPparty (with some “patches” behind the scenes, to
manage long polling persistent connections), see by application example,
the good project:

My goal is to choose a gem to manage HTTP persistent connections that
is both FAST in performances and also simple/intuitive to use.

In terms of performances of course curb (libcurl based) win, see this
benchmark (2014):

Maybe Patron could be a curb substitute for a compromise between
performances and good progarmming interface.

See also a old benchmark (2012):

Another possible winner because fast&simple to use could be HTTPrb gem:

What your opinion/choice?
Anyone here maybe did any benchmark recently ?


I’ve also been frustrated by how many options there are. I’ve been using
httprb with success but I often find myself having to dig deep into the
code to figure out how to e.g. inspect the response body or attach query
string parameters to a GET request. It definitely makes me miss LWP and
its associated documentation. :slight_smile:

Hi Mike
I presume that for LWP you maybe mean the Perl module

I see your points and I confess I never yet used httrb.
Reading httprb github pages, interface seems more handy (the “chaining
way”) in comparison with fastest curb (GitHub - taf2/curb: Ruby bindings for libcurl),
but maybe just not too documented or me ignorant about curl parameters