
have problem with getting output. I get an error no matter how I try to
get output…

NoMethodError in Reports#commissions_export

Showing app/views/reports/commissions_export.erb where line #26 raised:

undefined method `send_data’ for #ActionView::Base:0xb717a2c0

This is all I have in commissions_export.erb

<%= csv_string = FasterCSV.generate do |csv|
csv << [ ‘Commission Report’ ]
csv << [ ‘Reporting Period Starts’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’,
@period.lastdate_in_period.strftime("%m-%d-%Y") ]
csv << [ ]
csv << [ “Customer (Branch)”,
“Invoice #”,
“Stock ID”,
“Sale Price”,
“Gross Profit”,
@sales.each do |sale|
csv << [ sale.custbranch,
(sale.amt - sale.cost).to_fl(2),
((sale.amt - sale.cost) * @salesman.commissionrate1).to_fl(2)
send_data csv_string, :type => “text/plain”,
:filename=>@salesman.salesmanname + “_Commissions.csv”,
:disposition => ‘attachment’

(send_data stuff is from examples which don’t seem to work)

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On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 10:07 AM, Craig W.
[email protected]wrote:

This is all I have in commissions_export.erb
“Sale Price”,
(send_data stuff is from examples which don’t seem to work)

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I am using the format below for a .csv export:

:type => ‘text/csv; charset=utf-8; header=present’,
:filename => filename)

A variation of the above may help.

I remember banging my head against the wall trying to get this to


On Tue, 2009-07-28 at 10:21 -0400, Casey Ellett wrote:

     csv << [ 'Reporting Period Starts', '', '', '',

:type => ‘text/csv; charset=utf-8; header=present’,
:filename => filename)

A variation of the above may help.

I remember banging my head against the wall trying to get this to

I still get the same error…do you think that this is caused because
this is code inside a view? If I put this code in my controller, then I
get an error because it wants a view file, even if I add
‘render :layout => false’

this makes me crazy because I had all of this kind of stuff working in
1.2.x and now have to resort to other things in 2.3.2 and dealing with
all sorts of new errors.



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On Tue, 2009-07-28 at 07:39 -0700, Craig W. wrote:

    NoMethodError in Reports#commissions_export
     csv << [ 'Commission Report' ]

I am using the format below for a .csv export:
I still get the same error…do you think that this is caused because
this is code inside a view? If I put this code in my controller, then I
get an error because it wants a view file, even if I add
‘render :layout => false’

this makes me crazy because I had all of this kind of stuff working in
1.2.x and now have to resort to other things in 2.3.2 and dealing with
all sorts of new errors.

that was it…I had to move it all back into the controller and et

Thanks - by the way, I found this to be more useful…
:type => ‘application/; charset=utf-8;


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