Nathaniel Smith wrote in post #965441:
I’ve had similar issues recently, and they are due to character
encodings. Something like Iconv will probably be necessary to convert
the files to a standard encoding
On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 11:52 AM, Jeremy W.
I’ve never actually used Iconv before, but I was just reading
and I did a test. I converted from ISO8859-1 to UTF8, and that actually
changes the characters, so it changes the meaning of the words. Now,
this is assuming that the CSV files I’m getting are all ISO8859-1
encoded (which I think they are).
I tried a test to just tell FasterCSV to read it as 'ISO8859-1’using the
first 3 lines of this CSV file:
Universal,ID,Kir,“Commonly, white wine with Cassis. Traditionally, the
cocktail kir (also known as vin blanc cassis in French) is made with
AligotÈ. Kir Royal is made with Champagne instead of AligotÈ.”
Universal,GRAPE,MourvËdre / Monastrell / Mataro,"Grape: MourvËdre,
MatarÛ, or Monastrell is variety of grape used to make both strong, dark
red wines and rosÈs. It is grown in many regions around the world.
Universal,Tasting,Leafy,Specific aroma/taste descriptor: Having the
smell or taste sensation of Leaves.
ruby-1.8.7-p302 > file =, ‘public’,
=> #<File:/Users/jeremywoertink/Sites/winovations/public/sample.csv>
ruby-1.8.7-p302 > csv =, :encoding => ‘ISO8859-1’)
=> <#FasterCSV io_type:File
lineno:0 col_sep:“,” row_sep:“\n” quote_char:“"” encoding:“ISO8859-1”>
ruby-1.8.7-p302 > csv.each { |row| puts row }
Commonly, white wine with Cassis. Traditionally, the cocktail kir (also
known as vin blanc cassis in French) is made with AligotÈ. Kir Royal is
made with Champagne instead of AligotÈ.
FasterCSV::MalformedCSVError: Unclosed quoted field on line 2.
shift' from /Users/jeremywoertink/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p302/gems/fastercsv-1.5.3/lib/faster_csv.rb:1581:in
shift' from /Users/jeremywoertink/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p302/gems/fastercsv-1.5.3/lib/faster_csv.rb:1526:in
from (irb):28
I’m not seeing any unclosed quotes… Also, I thought that when you
iterate through the returned csv file, it gives you rows, but this one
seems to be giving my columns on the first row, then dies when it hits
the second row.