FasterCSV and " char question


I have a text that containing " char and want to delete it from the
text before I read it to the database with fasterCSV.

This is “the Text”.
This is the Text.

What is the command to simple replace the " char with nothing?

This is the code so you can see what I am trying to do:

file = 'c:\filename.txt'
$KCODE = "utf8"
FasterCSV.foreach('"', ''), :headers =>true, :col_sep

=>"\t", :row_sep =>"\n") do |row|
@PriceListFileRow = row
next if row.empty?
a_product =
:sku => row[0] ,
:name => row[1] ,
:price => row[2] ,
:salestart => row[3] ,
:saleend => row[4] ,
:category => row[5] ,
:manufacturer => row[6] ,
:manufacturersku => row[7] ,
:othersku => row[8] ,
:producturl => row[9] ,
:stockstatus => row[10] ,
:shipping => row[11])

  • The problem is that fasterCSV read the file before it´s been converted
    with the " char.
  • The second problem that I have with Rails is that åäö letters doesn´t
    been imported correctly even when I use the $KCODE = “utf8” code.

Thank you again and waiting for your answer!

Best regards,


On Dec 28, 2007, at 9:12 AM, Mark T. wrote:

  • The problem is that fasterCSV read the file before it´s been
    with the " char.

If you’re using a CSV parser and you are having to manually translate
the quote, the data probably isn’t really CSV data. If you just have
a bunch of fields separated by comma (and they may have quotes in
them), you don’t need a CSV parser at all:

fields = line.split(",")

To answer your question though, you can remove quotes with:


  • The second problem that I have with Rails is that åäö letters doesn
    been imported correctly even when I use the $KCODE = “utf8” code.

Check to be sure that the file data actually is UTF-8 encoded and that
your database tables are setup for that encoding.

Hope that helps.

James Edward G. II

Thanks for your answer. It should be very easy to import this file. The
columns are separated with TAB and the lines with \n .
I have changed my code to the following, but not working… (I´m a

file.split("\n").each do |line|
  line.split("\t").each do |row|
  next if row.empty?
  a_product =
    :sku => row[0] ,
    :name => row[1] ,
    :price => row[2] ,
    :salestart => row[3] ,
    :saleend => row[4] ,
    :category => row[5] ,
    :manufacturer => row[6] ,
    :manufacturersku => row[7] ,
    :othersku => row[8] ,
    :producturl => row[9] ,
    :stockstatus => row[10] ,
    :shipping => row[11])

Any idea?

I have now successefully imported the file with the following code:
Thanks for your help!

file = "filename.txt"
@time_start = do |sFile|
@PriceListFileEmpty = file.empty?()
@PriceListFileLength = file.length()
@PriceListFileSize = file.size()
$KCODE = "utf8"

  while line = sFile.gets
  row = line.split("\t")
  next if row.empty?
a_product =
    :sku => row[0] ,
    :name => row[1] ,
    :price => row[2] ,
    :category => row[5] ,
    :manufacturer => row[6] ,
    :manufacturersku => row[7] ,
    :othersku => row[8] ,
    :producturl => row[9] ,
    :stockstatus => row[10] ,
    :shipping => row[11])
@time_end =