Fastcgi cache path keys zone=name:size

Hi all
I’ve simple question but unfortunately i cant’ find any information.

How many entries can handle 1MB of memory configured by size in
keys_zone=name:size ?

Thanks in advance for your reply

Posted at Nginx Forum:

I found similar information about :

limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=one:1m "One megabyte zone can
keep about 16 thousand 64-byte states. "


ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:1m; " The cache size is specified in
one megabyte can store about 4000 sessions."

but there is no info about fastcgi_cache_path keys_zone shared memory.

I was searching any tip in the source code of fastcgi module with no

I’m trying to adjust my setup. There will be about 30k of cached files.
big should be size of shared memory ?

Posted at Nginx Forum:


On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 04:48:56AM -0400, beatnut wrote:

but there is no info about fastcgi_cache_path keys_zone shared memory.

I was searching any tip in the source code of fastcgi module with no

I’m trying to adjust my setup. There will be about 30k of cached files. How
big should be size of shared memory ?

Each cache node currently takes about 128 bytes of memory.
So for 30k cached files you’ll need about 4 megabytes.

Maxim D.

This is what I wanted to know.
Thank you very much Maxim.

Posted at Nginx Forum: