Fast portable storage for queues

I’ve tested out a couple of ways of storing a queue structure and
wondered if others had some better ideas. I tried a berkeleydb based
queue using it’s native queue structure, which gives the best
performance so far but it’s for unix only. I also have a file based
queue where every message is just stored in a sequentially numbered
file. Almost as fast as berkeleydb and works anywhere. Just for
giggles I tried sqlite, and then immediately deleted it. 6-8 tps with
sqlite compared to around 1000 with berkeleydb/flat files.

Another alternative I was thinking of is a single file storage of some
type, maybe fixed length or even variable length records. Something
that’s portable. But I’m thinking that could get complicated fairly

Any other ideas?

snacktime wrote:

type, maybe fixed length or even variable length records. Something
that’s portable. But I’m thinking that could get complicated fairly

Any other ideas?

(That’s sqlite again, though.)

What are your requirements?

  • portable to which platforms?

  • who are the consumers and producers?

I thought BDB did work on windows… or is it just the queueing
mechanism that is not portable?

What are your requirements?

What I’d really like is something that’s portable to pretty much
everything, so that I can standardize on one queue storage if
possible. The file queue is actually fairly good, but I’d like to
cut down on the IO if possible by just having everything in one or two
files. Plus I just wanted to see if I missed something obvious, it’s
happened before:)

  • portable to which platforms?

unix and windows at a minimum.

  • who are the consumers and producers?

It’s for stompserver.

I thought BDB did work on windows… or is it just the queueing
mechanism that is not portable?

BDB does but as far as I know the ruby extension for it only works on

On 10/22/06, snacktime [email protected] wrote:

Another alternative I was thinking of is a single file storage of some
type, maybe fixed length or even variable length records. Something
that’s portable. But I’m thinking that could get complicated fairly

Any other ideas?

Kirk H. was involved in a thread here a couple of months back in
he made the case that it’s perfectly fast and perfectly scalable to just
the filesystem for moderate requirements. His scheme used filenames that
were actually hashes of the contents, and as I recall he had a mechanism
automatically generating a directory hierarchy based on the content
to keep the inode sizes under control.

Having implemented all kinds of crazy single-file storage systems for
high-scalability message-queueing systems, I initially thought Kirk’s
was just loopy. But sometimes the simplest solutions are the best. I
remember trying it out with some quick tests and it worked great.

On 10/23/06, [email protected] [email protected] wrote:

Kirk H. was involved in a thread here a couple of months back in which

naming scheme is itself portable.

Kirk H.

Not a queue, but i use memcache for such needs, where i must offload
data storage to some external engine, because Ruby doesn’t play nice
with ever growing "in memory " data structures.

Of course…its not suitable for many things, but it works for me and
its quite fast. Any cons?

On Mon, 23 Oct 2006, Francis C. wrote:

he made the case that it’s perfectly fast and perfectly scalable to just use
the filesystem for moderate requirements. His scheme used filenames that
were actually hashes of the contents, and as I recall he had a mechanism for
automatically generating a directory hierarchy based on the content hashes
to keep the inode sizes under control.

Francis remembers right. I did this for, essentially, a replacement for
pstore that didn’t need to read an index into memory for each
so it’d have flat memory usage and speed regarless of the size of number
of elements in the store. It works pretty well.

In my case I create a hash of the storage key and use that as part of
filename, and then I had the code make subdirectories based on the
starting letters of the hash in order to avoid having too many files in
any one directory. My default was to take a chunk of two characters
the beginning of the hash as subdirectory name, twice.

So a hash starting with ‘abd45cc’ would have it’s file in ab/d4/

The speed of the approach is tied very directly to the speed of the IO
system, but it’s relatively fast and very portable so long as your file
naming scheme is itself portable.

Kirk H.

Hey Chris,

Thanks for the continued interest and work on stompserver, I am on my
way home and will be helping out soon. I will give a big thumbs up to
using the file system. It is actually where I was planning on going,
but used Madeleine because it was faster to get started.

Another approach that I am planning on investigating is on using mmap
(based on a discussion and idea I while talking with Daniel B. at
RubyConf) to provide a circular queue space – this should be very
efficient and simple enough to implement – until the allocated queue
is full. Then special logic and handling or an expensive resize would
be required.


On Mon, 23 Oct 2006, hemant wrote:

Of course…its not suitable for many things, but it works for me and
its quite fast. Any cons?

memcache is something of a different beast, but that aside, the con to
memcache is that one must have memcache installed. There is no barrier
usage for some sort of simple to-disk persistence mechanism because they
can be trivially written using only the libraries in the standard Ruby

Memcache also doesn’t help if one wants the data to survive machine
reboots, or be something that a person can transfer to another computer,
archive, edit, or whatever.

On the flipside, though, if neither of those are a concern, memcache is
going to give better speed.

Kirk H.

On 10/23/06, Francis C. [email protected] wrote:

(based on a discussion and idea I while talking with Daniel B. at
bloody hell, but it’s also (unfortunately) a compiled Ruby extension. Let me
know if you want to play with it when you get home. If you like it, maybe
you can convert it to pure Ruby without losing too much performance. One of
the keys to performance is fixed-length record-buffers, which means there’s
no record-table. All lookups are O(1).

Send it across Franics, I would be delighted to check it.

On 10/23/06, Patrick H. [email protected] wrote:

RubyConf) to provide a circular queue space – this should be very
efficient and simple enough to implement – until the allocated queue
is full. Then special logic and handling or an expensive resize would
be required.


mmap and circular space: I have an implementation of that. It’s fast as
bloody hell, but it’s also (unfortunately) a compiled Ruby extension.
Let me
know if you want to play with it when you get home. If you like it,
you can convert it to pure Ruby without losing too much performance. One
the keys to performance is fixed-length record-buffers, which means
no record-table. All lookups are O(1).

On Tue, 24 Oct 2006, hemant wrote:

Another approach that I am planning on investigating is on using mmap
mmap and circular space: I have an implementation of that. It’s fast as
bloody hell, but it’s also (unfortunately) a compiled Ruby extension. Let
me know if you want to play with it when you get home. If you like it,
maybe you can convert it to pure Ruby without losing too much performance.
One of the keys to performance is fixed-length record-buffers, which means
there’s no record-table. All lookups are O(1).

Send it across Franics, I would be delighted to check it.

hi hemant-

can you elaborate on your requirements? eg, what kind of objects are
put into the queue? is it fifo, lifo, priority based, etc? how big are
objects? how many of them? do they timeout or grow stale?



[email protected] wrote:

Kirk H. was involved in a thread here a couple of months back in
Francis remembers right. I did this for, essentially, a replacement for
So a hash starting with ‘abd45cc’ would have it’s file in ab/d4/

The speed of the approach is tied very directly to the speed of the IO
system, but it’s relatively fast and very portable so long as your file
naming scheme is itself portable.


Did you get a feeling for what the break-even point was? In other words,
how many files do you need before the depth 2 scheme beats a single flat

Playing around with this idea in fsdb, with 100_000 files, access times
seem to get worse as depth varies from 0 to 2. Creation time was better
at depth==1 than in either of the other cases.

I’m not at all confident of benchmarking this though, since it’s likely
to be so sensitive to many things. FWIW, this is on linux 2.6.15, ext3
with no special params, 1.7GHz centrino, 40Gb Fujitsu laptop drive,
running at nice -n -20.

On Mon, 23 Oct 2006, snacktime wrote:

type, maybe fixed length or even variable length records. Something
that’s portable. But I’m thinking that could get complicated fairly

Any other ideas?

why not:

harp:~ > cat a.rb
require ‘dbm’

n = 10000
db = ‘db’
at_exit{ db.close }

kvs ={ [ k = rand(n).to_s, v = rand(n).to_s ] }

a =; kvs.each{|k,v| db[k] = v}; b =
elapsed = b - a

puts(“elapsed : #{ elapsed }”)
puts(“tps : #{ n / elapsed }”)

harp:~ > ruby a.rb
elapsed : 0.220124006271362
tps : 45428.9387576941

that’s damn fast: it runs at nearly the exact same speed on my windows
box too.
btw, dbm will in fact be backed by bdb on any newish *nix dist, and ndbm
the windows one-click installer - either way though, you get it in the
lib and, even if you decide to marshal objects it’s still extremely
fast, easy
to use, and disk based.

it should be very robust, esp in the case of a bdb backed impl since bdb
is acid.



On Tue, 24 Oct 2006, Joel VanderWerf wrote:

Playing around with this idea in fsdb, with 100_000 files, access times seem
to get worse as depth varies from 0 to 2. Creation time was better at
depth==1 than in either of the other cases.

Not really. The IO performance on my test machine is so bad that it
didn’t seem to make a significant difference.

You have me curious now, though, so I may go test it on a box with
IO and see what I can find out.

Kirk H.

that’s damn fast: it runs at nearly the exact same speed on my windows box too.
btw, dbm will in fact be backed by bdb on any newish *nix dist, and ndbm for
the windows one-click installer - either way though, you get it in the standard
lib and, even if you decide to marshal objects it’s still extremely fast, easy
to use, and disk based.

I didn’t realize ruby dbm was supported on windows. I’ll have to
throw a dbm storage together and see how it does.


On Tue, 24 Oct 2006 [email protected] wrote:

Playing around with this idea in fsdb, with 100_000 files, access times
seem to get worse as depth varies from 0 to 2. Creation time was better at
depth==1 than in either of the other cases.

Not really. The IO performance on my test machine is so bad that it didn’t
seem to make a significant difference.

You have me curious now, though, so I may go test it on a box with better IO
and see what I can find out.

doesn’t ext3 use btree under the hood? if so you’d basically just be
adding a
method call per level since the lookup of 100_000 is still quite fast -
on the
otherhand anypeice of code that puts 100_000 file in one directory is

i guess what i’m driving at is that what you may be comparing is method
overhead vs big-O operation and not IO speed. i had this happen to me
before looking for the fastest way to search a huge in memory table. i
gperf, std:: crap, sqlite in mem, bdb in mem, etc. in the end c’s built
bsearch, including sort, was way faster for even 10 or 20 searches. the
reason was that, after the initial hit of sorting, the function call
for bsearch, which just flips pointers all over the place, was far less
for that of gperf, which made quite a few function calls. anyhow, it
was as
suprise to me that a O(log n) solution ran much faster in the real world
than an O(1) one with prety dang big data sets…

food for thought - be curious to hear what you find out.



On Oct 23, 2006, at 4:36 AM, [email protected] wrote:

In my case I create a hash of the storage key and use that as part
of the filename, and then I had the code make subdirectories based
on the starting letters of the hash in order to avoid having too
many files in any one directory. My default was to take a chunk of
two characters from the beginning of the hash as subdirectory name,

So a hash starting with ‘abd45cc’ would have it’s file in ab/d4/

This sounds like it would make a neat open source project. Any plans
to share the code?

James Edward G. II

James Edward G. II wrote:

This sounds like it would make a neat open source project. Any plans to
share the code?

James Edward G. II

I’m guessing it is something like this:

— flat.rb —

Fast, flat storage based on Kirk H.’ technique.

require ‘fsdb’
require ‘digest/md5’

class FlatDB < FSDB::Database

def initialize(path, depth = 2)
raise ArgumentError, “Invalid depth #{depth} > 32” if depth > 32

 @path_from_key = {}
 @path_pat ="^" + "(..)"*depth)
 @depth = depth



def path_from_key(key)
path = @path_from_key[key]
unless path
if @depth > 0
path_components =
path_components << key
path = path_components.join("/")
path = key
@path_from_key[key] = path

def browse(key)
super path_from_key(key)

def edit(key)
super path_from_key(key)

def replace(key)
super path_from_key(key)

def delete(key, load=true)
@path_from_key.delete key
## should probably purge this hash periodically
super path_from_key(key), load

don’t bother with #insert, #fetch, #[], #[]= since they are

inherently less efficient


db =’/tmp/fsdb/flat’, 2)

db.replace ‘foo.txt’ do
“this is the foo text”

db.browse ‘foo.txt’ do |x|
p x

key names can have ‘/’ in them, in which case they reference deeper

db.replace ‘sub/foo.txt’ do
“this is the subdir’s foo text”

db.browse ‘sub/foo.txt’ do |x|
p x

require ‘benchmark’ do |bm|
nfiles = 100

[0,1,2].each do |depth|
db ="/tmp/fsdb/depth_#{depth}", depth)

 puts "\ndepth=#{depth}" "create" do
   nfiles.times do |i|
     db.replace i.to_s do
       i  # this will be marshaled
 end "access" do
   nfiles.times do |i|
     db.browse i.to_s do |j|
       raise unless i == j



results for nfiles=100_000, linux 2.6.15, ext3 with no special params,
1.7GHz centrino, 40Gb Fujitsu laptop drive, running at nice -n -20:

“this is the foo text”
“this is the subdir’s foo text”
user system total real

create 72.680000 1772.030000 1844.710000 (1853.686824)
access 55.780000 13.090000 68.870000 ( 97.170382)

create 125.170000 24.250000 149.420000 (329.576419)
access 143.210000 12.040000 155.250000 (759.768371)

create 263.900000 32.570000 296.470000 (1950.482468)
access 195.200000 17.250000 212.450000 (1562.214063)

du -sk depth_0

804236 depth_0

du -sk depth_1

804832 depth_1

du -sk depth_2

1006408 depth_2