I’m basically a Ruby noobie.
At the moment I’m having a fair bit of trouble trying to figure out
what’s going wrong here (partial template):
@project = Project.find(@the_id)
if current_user.userid == @project.client
hidden_field ‘messages’, ‘recipient’, ‘value’ =>
hidden_field ‘messages’, ‘recipient’, ‘value’ => @project.client
The current_user.userid method is as follows (from model user.rb):
def userid
All the values I use there are correct. Say that the current user id is
2, you are the client (which == 2), and the project manager (id) is 3.
The form that is output is “hidden_field ‘messages’, ‘recipient’,
‘value’ => @project.client” instead of “hidden_field ‘messages’,
‘recipient’, ‘value’ => @project.client”, and it happens every time. Why
does it not work? I tried stripping white space from the userid, I even
looked for possible string comparison problems, but there is no
easy-to-find info online. Please help!
Hi Isaac,
Isaac Rowntree wrote:
hidden_field 'messages', 'recipient', 'value' => @project.client
For starters, I’d suggest you do the majority of the above, especially
model access (Project.find) in your controller. Second, even if you
not to follow the MVC model, your current_user will not be available in
view unless you’re passing it in as a local variable to the partial. If
not, you’d need to make it an instance variable.
On 7/12/06, Bill W. [email protected] wrote:
if current_user.userid == @project.client
not to follow the MVC model, your current_user will not be available in
view unless you’re passing it in as a local variable to the partial. If
not, you’d need to make it an instance variable.
wouldn’t current_user be available if it’s a helper method? Like that
provided by acts_as_authenticated.
Yes, I should have done it in the controller (slaps wrist). However,
until I got it working I assumed it didn’t matter where it was - I just
wanted to figure out why it didn’t work. And no, it still doesn’t work.
The following code still fails to compare the two numbers together
current_user.userid returns the value ‘2’
@project.client returns the value ‘2’
thus @recipient should equal ‘3’
however, it equals ‘2’ when I output the form (<%= hidden_field
‘messages’, ‘recipient’, ‘value’ => @recipient %>)
def reply_message
@project = Project.find(@the_id)
if current_user.userid == @project.client
@recipient = @project.project_manager
@recipient = @project.client
What’s going wrong here???
That’s what I thought, and that’s basically what I said in my original
post. However, I looked everywhere but couldn’t find any indication on
how to cast to an integer. I know how to cast to a string (to_s), but
What is probably happening here is that you are comparing a string “2”
to an integer (2).
“2” == 2 #=> false
On Wednesday, July 12, 2006, at 4:04 AM, Isaac Rowntree wrote:
however, it equals ‘2’ when I output the form (<%= hidden_field
What’s going wrong here???
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What is probably happening here is that you are comparing a string “2”
to an integer (2).
“2” == 2 #=> false
On Wednesday, July 12, 2006, at 4:27 AM, Isaac Rowntree wrote:
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
Rails mailing list
[email protected]
“2”.to_i => 2
Thanks mate - sigh ruby is too logical sometimes… 
“2”.to_i => 2