Fade out and then fade in....how to make it work?

I’m trying to have one image fade out and then another slidedown upon
completion of the ajax call. I can’t get the timing correct. How do
you do it? Here’s what I’m trying (this does not work)
<%= link_to_remote(image_tag(url_for_file_column(product, “image_url”),
:update => ‘right_content’,
:url => { :action => :product_details,
:id => product.id },
:loading => visual_effect(:fade, “right_content”, :duration =>
0.5 ),
:complete => visual_effect(:slideDown, “right_content”,
:duration => 0.5 )

I"m getting closer but this still doesn’t work. It switches the images
while the first fade effect is happening.

<%= link_to_remote(image_tag(url_for_file_column(product, “image_url”),
:update => ‘right_content’,
:url => { :action => :product_details,
:id => product.id },
:before => visual_effect(:fade, “right_content”, :duration => 1.5, :queue => ‘front’),
:complete => visual_effect(:appear, “right_content”, :duration
=> 0.5,:queue => ‘end’)

Anyone know how to do this? Someone has got to know how to do this.

On Wed, 2006-03-08 at 02:07 +0100, charlie bowman wrote:

Charlie B.
Castle Branch Inc.