Factory pattern, abstract base class

Hi all,

I’m trying to setup an abstract base class as a factory for its
subclasses. The below code fails, as it always returns an instance of
Foo::Bar instead of one of its subclasses.

module Foo
class Bar
def initialize(arg)
return if self.class != Foo::Bar
case arg.downcase
when ‘baz’
return Baz.new(arg)
when ‘zap’
return Zap.new(arg)

class Baz < Bar

class Zap < Bar

fb = Foo::Bar.new(‘baz’)
p fb # Returns Foo::Bar, but I want Foo::Baz

Perhaps my whole approach is wrong. What is the proper way to achieve
what I’m after (without resorting to making Bar a module)?



Daniel B. wrote:

Perhaps my whole approach is wrong. What is the proper way to achieve
what I’m after (without resorting to making Bar a module)?

The return value from initialize has nothing to do with the object
returned from new, which will always be a new instance of the class. To
do what you want, define a singleton method not named “new” that returns
a new object based on its argument.

On Dec 2, 2006, at 5:15 PM, Daniel B. wrote:

Perhaps my whole approach is wrong. What is the proper way to achieve
what I’m after (without resorting to making Bar a module)?

This works, but is probably poor style:

module Foo
class Bar
def initialize(arg)


 class << self
   alias_method :__new__, :new
   def new(arg)
     return if self != Foo::Bar
     case arg.downcase
     when 'baz'
       return Baz.__new__(arg)
     when 'zap'
       return Zap.__new__(arg)


class Baz < Bar; end
class Zap < Bar; end

fb = Foo::Bar.new(‘baz’) # => #Foo::Baz:0x1e2c0c


I prefer somthing like this though:

module Foo
class Bar
def self.factory(arg)
return if self != Foo::Bar

 def initialize(arg)



class Baz < Bar; end
class Zap < Bar; end

fb = Foo::Bar.factory(‘baz’) # => #Foo::Baz:0x1e2f2c


Hope that helps.

James Edward G. II

Daniel B. wrote:

     case arg.downcase

class Zap < Bar

fb = Foo::Bar.new(‘baz’)
p fb # Returns Foo::Bar, but I want Foo::Baz

Perhaps my whole approach is wrong. What is the proper way to achieve
what I’m after (without resorting to making Bar a module)?

module Foo
class Bar
def self.new(arg)
return super() if self != Foo::Bar
case arg.downcase
when ‘baz’
return Baz.new(arg)
when ‘zap’
return Zap.new(arg)

class Baz < Bar

class Zap < Bar


fb = Foo::Bar.new(‘baz’)
p fb # ==> #Foo::Baz:0xb7d66c3c

On Dec 2, 2006, at 7:27 PM, Joel VanderWerf wrote:

module Foo
class Bar
def self.new(arg)
return super() if self != Foo::Bar

I don’t believe that line does what you intend. Try using your code
with something like:

fb = Foo::Baz.new(‘baz’) # => #Foo::Baz:0x1e2ea0


class Zap < Bar

fb = Foo::Bar.new(‘baz’)
p fb # ==> #Foo::Baz:0xb7d66c3c

James Edward G. II

James Edward G. II wrote:

fb = Foo::Baz.new(‘baz’) # => #Foo::Baz:0x1e2ea0
It’s a little funny to say “baz” twice, is your point?

On 12/3/06, James Edward G. II [email protected] wrote:

On Dec 2, 2006, at 5:15 PM, Daniel B. wrote:

Perhaps my whole approach is wrong. What is the proper way to achieve
what I’m after (without resorting to making Bar a module)?

This works, but is probably poor style:

Which would follow from one of the basic rules of OOP, if memory serves:
A Class does not know anything about its subclasses, be it abstract or
OP I suggest that you rethink your design, AFAIK that would not be very
flexible concerning new subclasses right?

James Edward G. II


“The real romance is out ahead and yet to come. The computer revolution
hasn’t started yet. Don’t be misled by the enormous flow of money into
defacto standards for unsophisticated buyers using poor adaptations of
incomplete ideas.”

  • Alan Kay

On 12/3/06, Robert D. [email protected] wrote:

Which would follow from one of the basic rules of OOP, if memory serves:
A Class does not know anything about its subclasses, be it abstract or not.
OP I suggest that you rethink your design, AFAIK that would not be very
flexible concerning new subclasses right?

Of course every rule has exceptions. For example, in Beck’s
Test-Driven Development, after a bit of refactoring you end up with
something like (converted to Ruby :slight_smile:

class Money
class << self
def dollar(amount)
Dollar.new amount

def franc(amount)
  Franc.new amount


The reasoning behind this is that since the clients only go through
Money, you can change the underlying inheritance structure without
breaking anything. Indeed, he goes on to get rid of the Dollar and
Franc classes entirely, and the factory methods turn into:

def dollar(amount)
new amount, “USD”

In the case of the Money class, client code shouldn’t have a
dependency on Dollar or Franc classes. Adding a factory method onto
the Money class simplifies client code and promotes refactoring.

It’s impossible to tell if OP’s situation would be a good use for this
kind of thing, given the lack of explanation and the nondescriptive
names :slight_smile:

I would prefer to have explicit factory methods though, instead of a
single new method that can return an instance of any number of
classes. As far as it not being flexible with subclasses, a little
bit of metaprogramming clears that up:

class Bar
def self.factory_methods(*names)
names.each do |n|
(class << self; self; end).instance_eval do
define_method(n) {
Kernel.const_get(n.to_s.capitalize).send(:new) }

class Bar
factory_methods :baz, :zap

Gives you Bar.baz and Bar.zap which return a new Baz and Zap instance,

Hell you could even use the inherited callback to do it automatically:

class Bar
def self.inherited(subclass)
(class << self; self; end).instance_eval do
define_method(subclass.to_s.downcase) { subclass.new }

Then when you do
class Baz < Bar; end
you automatically get Bar.baz

I’ll be honest, I really just saw this whole thing as an opportunity
to do some fun meta-foo :slight_smile: Use at your own risk.


btw, check out “Encapsulate Classes with Factory” (p80) in
“Refactoring to Patterns” for a deeper discussion of how and why to
implement this.


Daniel B. wrote:

     case arg.downcase

class Zap < Bar

fb = Foo::Bar.new(‘baz’)
p fb # Returns Foo::Bar, but I want Foo::Baz

Perhaps my whole approach is wrong. What is the proper way to achieve
what I’m after (without resorting to making Bar a module)?

I am more inclined to question your approach than not. After all, if
you know the class name (even if it is lowercase) you can use that
directly to create instances - even if you do the crude “eval(foo).new”
(using const_get is probably better anyway).

My question for you is, what are you eventually trying to achieve? If
you want to be able to use some kind of tag as a shortcut for the class
to use for instance creation then using a Hash with class instances will
be serving you well.

module Foo

def self.create(tag, *args,&bl)

class Bar
CLASSES[“baz”] = self

Foo.create “baz”

Whether you need that create method and the module at all is probably a
different question.

Kind regards


On Dec 3, 2006, at 12:04 AM, Joel VanderWerf wrote:

It’s a little funny to say “baz” twice, is your point?
No. My point was that the original code forces the call to be made
on Foo::bar by returning nil otherwise. Your code created the object.

James Edward G. II

On 12/3/06, Pat M. [email protected] wrote:

This works, but is probably poor style:

Which would follow from one of the basic rules of OOP, if memory serves:
A Class does not know anything about its subclasses, be it abstract or
OP I suggest that you rethink your design, AFAIK that would not be very
flexible concerning new subclasses right?

Of course every rule has exceptions.

Hmm I think your mail has shown a flaw in my reasoning, thanks :slight_smile:
My point was that this basic rule explains why James had to come up with
some clumsy (his opinion) code :wink: - and that seems wrong.
Let us imagine, for the sake of argument, that the Rule where not there
that base classes should now about there subclasses (but not there
implementation details, maybe that is where I was just wrong, now
about it??? SmallTalk seems to implement knowledge about subclasses in

Than one could write
class Factory
class << self
subclasses.each do
define_method subclass.downcase.to_sym {

now I think this might not at all have to do with OO design, but with
Retrospection, which might or might not be considered harmful, but is
not a
contradiction to the OOP paradigm.
So James’ code is complicated because Ruby’s introspection does not know
about subclasses, or does it BTW?

For example, in Beck’s

  Franc.new amount

new amount, “USD”
I would prefer to have explicit factory methods though, instead of a

Hell you could even use the inherited callback to do it automatically:

class Bar
def self.inherited(subclass)
(class << self; self; end).instance_eval do
define_method(subclass.to_s.downcase) { subclass.new }

or you could just store the information about the new subclass in a Bar
class instance variable for potential use, that excellent example of
mad it clear for me that we were talking Introspection and not OOP.

Then when you do

class Baz < Bar; end
you automatically get Bar.baz

I’ll be honest, I really just saw this whole thing as an opportunity
to do some fun meta-foo :slight_smile: Use at your own risk.

Sometimes code is the best reasoning! But it might be a good approach to
think about in that kind of context to use #inherited to enhance the
metadata available. Nice.



“The real romance is out ahead and yet to come. The computer revolution
hasn’t started yet. Don’t be misled by the enormous flow of money into
defacto standards for unsophisticated buyers using poor adaptations of
incomplete ideas.”

  • Alan Kay

On 12/2/06, Timothy H. [email protected] wrote:

do what you want, define a singleton method not named “new” that returns
a new object based on its argument.

That’s how Factory works in “Design Patterns,” and, in fact, in every
implementation I’ve ever seen. Unless you’ve run into a limitation of
the pattern itself, this is how I would recommend implementing it.
Apart from anything else, to say that a thing is a subclass of the
factory that creates it is like saying a book is a type of printing
press, or a computer is a type of Taiwan.

You should almost always favor composition over inheritance.

On Dec 3, 2006, at 5:02 AM, Pat M. wrote:

Test-Driven Development, after a bit of refactoring you end up with

The reasoning behind this is that since the clients only go through
Money, you can change the underlying inheritance structure without
breaking anything.

In Ruby you can even handle this dynamically. Using the inherited()
hook, we could collect a list of available subclasses. That list
could then be used to check requested types and instantiate them.

James Edward G. II

James Edward G. II wrote:

fb = Foo::Baz.new(‘baz’) # => #Foo::Baz:0x1e2ea0

It’s a little funny to say “baz” twice, is your point?

No. My point was that the original code forces the call to be made on
Foo::bar by returning nil otherwise. Your code created the object.

Ah, I see. You are interpreting this line in the original code:

module Foo
class Bar
def initialize(arg)
return if self.class != Foo::Bar # <— here

as a way of preventing direct instantiation of subclasses (it doesn’t
actually do that, but maybe that’s what was intended). If that was the
OP’s intent, then I suggest adding protected declarations to what I
posted before–see below.

The line

      return super() if self != Foo::Bar

is necessary so that when Bar.new sees the “baz” case and calls Baz.new,
which is implemented not in Baz but back up in Bar, the call can be
handled by Object.new, which will create a Baz instance and call
#initialize on it.

Does that make sense?

Here’s the modified code:

module Foo
class Bar
def self.new(arg)
return super() if self != Foo::Bar
case arg.downcase
when ‘baz’
return Baz.new(arg)
when ‘zap’
return Zap.new(arg)

  class Baz < Bar
     class << self; protected :new; end

  class Zap < Bar
     class << self; protected :new; end


fb = Foo::Bar.new(‘baz’)
p fb # ==> #Foo::Baz:0xb7d66c3c

Foo::Baz.new(“baz”) # fails

One more suggestion that allows handling of other arguments besides the
class selection:

module Foo
class Bar
def self.new(kind, *args)
return super(*args) if self != Foo::Bar
case kind.downcase
when ‘baz’
return Baz.new(kind, *args)
when ‘zap’
return Zap.new(kind, *args)

  class Baz < Bar
     class << self; protected :new; end
     def initialize(*args)
        @args = args

  class Zap < Bar
     class << self; protected :new; end


fb = Foo::Bar.new(‘baz’, “arg1”, 2, [3])
p fb # ==> #<Foo::Baz:0xb7d5b9b8 @args=[“arg1”, 2, [3]]>

On Dec 3, 2006, at 2:44 PM, Joel VanderWerf wrote:

fb = Foo::Baz.new(‘baz’) # => #Foo::Baz:0x1e2ea0
def initialize(arg)

is necessary so that when Bar.new sees the “baz” case and calls
Baz.new, which is implemented not in Baz but back up in Bar, the
call can be handled by Object.new, which will create a Baz instance
and call #initialize on it.

Does that make sense?

Yes, I see that now. Took me a surprising amount of time to actually
get how you handled that. Very clever.

Still fills wrong to me though, I’m afraid. I guess I feel like we
shouldn’t muck with Ruby’s call semantics for new(), since those are
so well known. It makes the results pretty surprising.

At a minimum, I feel the factory method needs a new name.

James Edward G. II