
Hi everybody,

To be more communicative, we’v designed a page of “GNURadio” on facebook

This page specially is for GNURadio developers who are following
:heavy_check_mark: new releases of GNURadio,
:heavy_check_mark: new products of GNURadio,
:heavy_check_mark: GNURadio conferences and events,
:heavy_check_mark: new GNURadio-related projects
and anything else related to GNURadio.

We’re looking for administrators for helping us on this page. Every
volunteer Mail me.


I hope the listserv will continue to also serve that purpose for those
of us not entwined within the Facebook ecosystem (yes there are some of
us out there)


On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 9:05 AM, Matthew B.
[email protected]wrote:

I hope the listserv will continue to also serve that purpose for those of
us not entwined within the Facebook ecosystem (yes there are some of us out



Please read Martin’s response. The facebook page, while potentially
is not an official part of GNU Radio. The core dev team doesn’t spend
time with any of the other services out there with GNU Radio
pages/communities since we try not to fracture the location of questions
and answers. They might each serve a separate purpose for the interest
community building in different niches of the Internet, but we are
on this mailing list, gnuradio.org, and our github repo for


On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 9:11 AM, Tom R. [email protected] wrote:

Please read Martin’s response. The facebook page, while potentially
useful, is not an official part of GNU Radio. The core dev team doesn’t
spend much time with any of the other services out there with GNU Radio
pages/communities since we try not to fracture the location of questions
and answers. They might each serve a separate purpose for the interest of
community building in different niches of the Internet, but we are focused
on this mailing list, gnuradio.org, and our github repo for gnuradio.git.


Apologies. Martin wrote to just a few of us and not on the mailing list.

We’ll probably have more about this later, but rest assured that the we
not planning on moving attention away from the mailing list.


Hey Mostafa,

I’m always happy to see people participating in this community, and
trying to add to its value. Without volunteers, we’d be pretty useless.

Still, I have to add a couple of things to this:

  • We used to have a Facebook group, which was taken down due to lack of
    interest. It seems not many people in this community are active on
    Facebook, or don’t even have accounts.
  • For most communication, we try and focus things on the mailing list
    and IRC (each suits a different purpose). We also have the G+ group, but
    we’ve made it very clear on the group page that this is mainly for dev
    call hangouts etc., and technical questions should be asked here. The
    same goes for the LinkedIn group, which has some discussions, but mostly
    promotions and none of the core members of this group participate there
    (and don’t really want to, at least in the near future). There’s also a
    very inactive subreddit. I would appreciate it if you added such a
    disclaimer to your group, since people might expect answers to questions
    they post, and then will be disappointed.
  • As a team of GNU Radio core developers, we already have trouble
    keeping our own page up to date. You are currently alone in managing a
    Facebook page, which means you’ll have a lot of work with adding infos
    about releases, events etc…
  • By calling the account “GNU Radio” and using the official logo, you
    are creating a page that looks very much like it is an official
    project page. I do wish you would have contacted me beforehand, so we
    could have discussed this.
  • A page like this must be maintained and polished, a badly maintained
    page will do more damage than it’ll help.

There’s a couple of questions that we need to sort out:

  • Are you certain you can handle the workload?
  • Is there really any interest in a Facebook group?

Personally, I’m not convinced a Facebook group will help us in any way,
but I’m open to a conversation.


Hi Martin,

I must explain more about the page in order to avoid these questions.
However, I’m gonna clarify.
First of all, I didn’t know you have similar page of GNURadio on
before and I don’t know why the people didn’t pay attention to that.

Secondly, I don’t want to distract you from the mailing list, as you
there is the most attention. This is enough to have only one location
discussions and here is the best as I found. I just want to propagate
GNURadio ideas and its news etc. (as a mean to attract more people).

Thirdly, as you mentioned, I have to do much on this page to make it up
date from time to time. However, I may do not have enough time to do so.
Currently I’m looking for someone to help me on this.

Fourthly, I called the page “GNURadio” as it is. I also care about its
verification. This is page isn’t verified by Facebook. If it was
by an original publisher, a sign of blue tick must be appeared next to
name of the page, take a look at ted page

I know if the page isn’t designed carefully and interesting, it would
the picture of GNURadio too.

For your questions:

I just can decide on my status quo and now I can say that I handle the

page but the future isn’t deterministic for me.

I believe in that this page will absolutely attract more people to


I won’t repeat what has already been written by others, but I will agree
with them that my primary means of GR related help and discussion is
this email list, IRC, and personal emails. My Facebook account is not
used for work purposes, and I have no use for a work FB account; so, I
won’t be joining this group. That said, if others value this means for
discussing GNU Radio then by all means proceed. -That- said, please
make group postings public such that anybody in the group can cross-post
to this email list and anybody can read the referred-to posting on FB
without requiring a FB account. - MLD

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as a single, small, sometimes lost, developer, I ask you:
please don’t open side channels on your own.

A lot of us have been around this mailing list for a very long time, and
we try to keep information as concentrated as possible. Already now we
see a lot of people following tutorials from more-or-less dubious, most
of the time totally outdated websites.

We should really try to keep gnuradio.org the official page for all
information on GNU Radio.
I don’t see why anyone of the official core team should try to update a
facebook page with release info etc, if there is no question that this
information can and should be found in gnuradio.org; I think you might
have gone a little to far promising constant updates.

Also, there’s a lively community around GNU Radio, and things like
conference announcements never go unnoticed on the discuss-gnuradio
mailing list, so I really don’t see the demand for a more
“communicative” platform. In fact, the mailing list, the #gnuradio on
freenode, the github page, the gnuradio.org wiki and of course the
regular hangouts as much as conferences and hackfests are so much
communication that it actually amounts to a fair amount of work to keep
up with all the information exchanged.

All in all, facebook is really a terrible platform for discussion if you
want to make information well-searchable, well documented,
self-organized; the average time until a post on the mailing list goes
answered is in the order of hours; as a lot of the community earns its
money with software radio related occupations, I doubt the frequency of
qualified answers on facebook would ever be as high as on the mailing


On 20.05.2014 07:05, Mostafa A. wrote:

? GNURadio conferences and events,

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
[email protected]
Discuss-gnuradio Info Page

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Hi dear Marcus,

I didn’t really want to move attention from here to other places! The
GNURadio website didn’t constructed “informative”. I mean any updates to
the website do not appear for GNURadio followers. At least one of the
Facebook advantages is its real-time interactions and communications.
not gonna compare this page with this mailing list, however, Facebook
more people engages in GNURadio.
