Ez_where query question

I’m having fun composing queries with ez_where, but am stuck on how to
formulate the following using the ez syntax:

(begin_date >= ? OR end_date >= ?) AND (description LIKE ? OR name LIKE

There are two clauses, each containing OR operators (the ez ‘any’
but both clauses must evaulate to true for a match.

Can anyone suggest the proper way to construct an ez condition that
generates this SQL?


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On Apr 17, 2006, at 5:35 PM, s.ross wrote:

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[email protected]


You can easily get this to work. Something like this:

ez ez $ script/console
Loading development environment.

cond = Caboose::EZ::Condition.new :my_table do
?> any { foo == ‘bar’; name == ‘rails’ }
any { baz! == ‘buzz’; name! == ‘loob’ }
=> #<Caboose::EZ::Condition:0x28ff724 ]>
=> [“(my_table.foo = ? OR my_table.name = ?) AND (my_table.baz != ?
OR my_table.name != ?)”, “bar”, “rails”, “buzz”, “loob”]

So by default when you specify two any commands like this they will

use OR inside the nested parens but it will use AND to join the two
parens groups.


On Mon, 2006-04-17 at 17:35 -0700, s.ross wrote:

I’m having fun composing queries with ez_where, but am stuck on how to
formulate the following using the ez syntax:

(begin_date >= ? OR end_date >= ?) AND (description LIKE ? OR name LIKE ?)

There are two clauses, each containing OR operators (the ez ‘any’ syntax)
but both clauses must evaulate to true for a match.

Can anyone suggest the proper way to construct an ez condition that
generates this SQL?

here’s controller code where I use the ez_where and ‘or’

def services_log_residential_all
cond = Caboose::EZ::Condition.new
cond.append [“pltype = ‘PAH’”], :or
cond.append [“pltype = ‘16 Hour’”], :or
@facility = Facility.find(:all,
:conditions => cond.to_sql,
:order => ‘name’)
@facility_array = ( @facility.class == Array ? @facility :
[@facility] )

I hope this helps


What I came up with was:

  cond = Caboose::EZ::Condition.new :events do
    any {begin_date >= Date.today; begin_date >= Date.today}

  unless @phrase.nil?
    cond1 = Caboose::EZ::Condition.new :events do  #!! strange code

alert !!
any {description =~ condition_clause; location =~
condition_clause; state =~ condition_clause}
cond << cond1
conditions = cond.to_sql

The reason for the strange code alert is that this line should be:

cond << Caboose::EZ::Condition.new :events do

but for some reason the append operator throws a parse error. Anyhow,
code works fine and I’m a happy camper. Thanks Ezra and Craig.

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