When I used eye diagram block (which seems to be a member of WxGUI
the following error appeared:
File “/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/baz/eye.py”, line 98, in init
self.st = gr.message_sink(gr.sizeof_float, msgq, dont_block=1)
AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘message_sink’
which GNU Radio version are you using?
GNU Radio itself (to my knowledge) doesn’t come with a dedicated eye
diagram, and it’s possible that you’re trying to use an out-of-tree
module that was meant for another version of GNU Radio.
You can try to emulate an eye diagram by using the Scope Sink, and
triggering on a signal that has an edge on every symbol center.
yep, these are not GNU Radio core visualizations, but come with gr-baz.
You might be using a GNU Radio 3.6-compatible version of gr-baz instead
of one that works with GR 3.7. Make sure to install the master branch of GitHub - balint256/gr-baz: Collection of new blocks for GNU Radio , after removing all remnants of the gr-baz
version that you have.
My hint regarding the eye diagram was just to build an eye diagram like
it’s in the books [1]: An oscilloscope that is triggered on the symbol